Today features a true gem of Firestorm merchandise. After finding several Justice League of America t-shirts that include Firestorm (click here and here), I was very surprised and excited to see this.
I didn’t think anyone made one, but here is proof positive that you can own an officially-licensed Firestorm t-shirt! You can get one of these spiffy shirts from Pop by clicking here. An enormous THANK YOU to Luke from the Hawkman blog, Being Carter Hall, and NSP for directing me to this shirt. I’m so jazzed about owning it and can’t wait to wear it!
Here is a close-up of the graphic. I’m not 100% confident who the artist is, but after doing some research and consulting with experts we believe this image was pencilled by Denys Cowan and inked by Dick Giordano. The logo is from the Firestorm (volume I) series.
To my knowledge, this is the only Firestorm-specific t-shirt out there. It’s freakin’ awesome! Be sure to order yours today from!
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that shirt make smy nerdy self happy! especially since firestorm has always been my favorite DC hero.