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Posts Tagged ‘Yildiray Cinar’

Fury of Firestorm #2 Cover and Solicitation

DC Comics revealed the cover and solicitation for THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #2 on their blog yesterday.  Check it out below! THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #2 Written by ETHAN VAN SCIVER and GAIL SIMONE Art by YILDIRAY CINAR Cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER On sale OCTOBER 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED […]

Another Amazing Yildiray Cinar Piece

Yesterday, Yildiray Cinar (upcoming interior artist on The Fury of Firestorm) posted another amazing Firestorm piece!  This was a study in markers he did shortly after receiving the Firestorm gig.  Notice this is the Brightest Day incarnation of the Nuclear Man.  To view it on Yildiray’s deviantART page, please click here.  Also, follow Yildiray on […]

Yildiray Cinar Pages from The Fury of Firestorm #1

Check out these pages by Yildiray Cinar from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1!  Click the image to enlarge.   Wow!  These pages are amazing!  If you haven’t clicked the image above to enlarge, you gotta do it! Yildiray Cinar’s take on these new costumes is fantastic! Based upon the notes at the top, this is […]

Nuclear News: 2011-06-20 Twitter Weekend Round-up

Lots of Firestorm-related items this past weekend buzzing around Twitter!  If you’re on Twitter, be sure you’re following @firestormfan!  Lots of things appearing there that might not merit a full post here. COMIC APPEARANCES Chris Rohling (@CMRohling) discussed Firestorm’s appearance in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom (I also received a nice e-mail from Michael A. Burstein […]

Yildiray Cinar Getting Ready for Firestorm

Yildiray Cinar has posted a few more of his recent Firestorm sketches.  I gotta tell you, this guy is an amazing artist!  I really can’t wait to see his interiors for The Fury of Firestorm! Below is a Yildiray Cinar warm-up sketch done awhile ago with Firestorm’s Brightest Day costume.  Click the image to be […]

Keeping up with the new Fury of Firestorm

We’ve got an updated solicitation and a release date for The Fury of Firestorm #1!  Who are the “Dog Team” and what is the “Firestorm Protocol”?  Things are getting more and more interesting! THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1 Written by ETHAN VAN SCIVER and GAIL SIMONE Art by YILDIRAY CINAR Cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER […]

New Firestorm: What Do We Know?

We received some exciting news about Firestorm last week and we’ve had a little time to digest this information.  I thought today we’d spend reviewing what we actually know about the new series, and what we can speculate based upon what’s been revealed.  Below is the published solicitation as well as the cover to the […]

OFFICIAL: New Firestorm Series by Van Sciver, Simone, and Cinar

It’s official!  A new Firestorm series is coming our way from Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone, and Yildiray Cinar!!!  DC Comics announced this information today on their blog DC Universe: The Source.   Below is the cover to issue #1 by Ethan Van Sciver (click the image to enlarge). They didn’t specifically state if it’s an […]

Firestorm Sketches

Got a few Firestorm sketches for you today!  Enjoy! Fellow Firestorm fan Chad Bokelman sent me the scan below by Scott Kolins of the Black Lantern Firestorm.  Kolins drew Blackest Night: Flash in which Black Lantern Firestorm made an appearance.  Chad now has this sketch framed and proudly displayed in his bedroom.  As Chad said […]

Brightest Day Starts Today, Sketches, Voice Actors, Customs, and more

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. The biggest Firestorm news is that Brightest Day #0 ships today!  Be sure to stop by your local comic book store and pick up yours.  Hopefully Firestorm will play a role in the issue. If […]

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