Warning… the following contains SPOILERS for Blackest Night and Brightest Day #0 – #2. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** Okay, we’re three issues into Brightest Day and we’re starting to get a […]
Posts Tagged ‘Tom Grindberg’
Firestorm vol. II #84 (April 1989) – Original Art
Here are some scans of the original art from Firestorm vol. II #84. Jon from the Fizzit Firestorm blog happens to own several of the original pages. He was kind enough to allow me to publish them here. Thanks, Jon! Firestorm volume II #84 – “Souls of Fire” Writer: John Ostrander Penciller: Tom Grindberg Inker: […]