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Posts Tagged ‘superheroes’

Justice League of America t-shirts featuring Firestorm

Since I posted my JLA t-shirt featuring Firestorm two weeks ago, I’ve come across several other shirts worth looking at.  Today we’ll focus on the JLA-related ones, but tomorrow come back for a special t-shirt that I’m very excited about. Here is a nice shirt I just got featuring an unusual collection of characters: Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, […]

Secret Origins Advertisement – April 1986

Secret Origins was a fantastic series that started back in 1986. This particular ad appeared in comics that were cover-dated April 1986 and was cleverly dressed to look like the front page of the Daily Planet. Check out Firestorm in the bottom right-hand corner. He was featured early on in the Secret Origins series thanks to […]

Why a Firestorm Blog?

INTRODUCTION Welcome to the FIRESTORM FAN blog!  You may be asking yourself, “A blog about Firestorm?  Seriously?”  Well, I say YES!  I’m a huge fan of the character and think he’s deserving of the attention. I’ve been running my other blog, ONCE UPON A GEEK, for almost a year.  While I love writing a blog […]

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