Check out this awesome new t-shirt featuring Firestorm and the rest of the Satellite-era JLA! This is a reproduction of the cover to Justice League of America #217 by George Perez. As a bonus, it comes in this super-cool metal box! Pick up yours at Kohl’s! My thanks to Ed “The Unique Geek” for this thoughtful […]
Posts Tagged ‘Satellite Era’
Back Issue Magazine Mentions FIRESTORM!
Holy self-congratulations, Match-heads! This website, FIRESTORM FAN, got mentioned in the most recent issue of Back Issue! If you’re not familiar with Back Issue, it’s a wonderful monthly magazine from TwoMorrows Publishing that celebrates comic books of the 1970s and 1980s. This month they tackled the Justice League of America! Here is their description of […]
Secret Files and Origins Blog Crossover – JLA Secret Files #3
CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Several different blogs have combined forces to look at one of DC’s more interesting one-shot efforts, Secret Files and Origins! If you’re unfamiliar with Secret Files and Origins, these were a series of one-shot comic books and mini-series produced by DC Comics between 1997 and 2010. These books were the […]