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Posts Tagged ‘Ronnie Raymond’

Dan Jurgens Interview – FIRE AND WATER Episode 33

We’ve got an amazing interview with Dan Jurgens, upcoming Fury of Firestorm writer and penciller, on this latest episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST! We discuss Dan’s early years in comics, his plans for Firestorm, his time with Booster Gold & Superman, his background as a writer and artist, and a wide variety of other […]

Saturday Morning in Front of La Salle De Justice

Remember the famous painting “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Georges Seurat? … What do you mean, “No”? Really? How about this … Remember the pointillism painting from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? Ah, now we’re on the same page. Below you’ll find Rey Taira’s super-cool digital print on canvas featuring numerous […]


Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #0 in stores today! This issue is written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar, inked by Marlo Alquiza, colored by Hi-Fi, and lettered by Travis Lanham! It’s time for one last wild ride with these fantastic creators that have given […]


The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #0 goes on sale tomorrow! Many folks are excited for the adventures of the newly-merged Ronnie & Jason Firestorm! If you can’t wait until tomorrow, check out the five page preview over on IGN right now! Click here to check it out! This issue is written by Joe […]

Looking to the future with FURY OF FIRESTORM #15

Yesterday DC Comics released the solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #15 shipping in early January 2013! Check out the fantastic cover below penciled by Dan Jurgens and inked by Ray McCarthy! Here is the solicitation: THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #15 Written by DAN JURGENS Art and cover by […]

Firestorm #12 Review and Listener Feedback – FIRE AND WATER #28 Play in new window | DownloadThe 28th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This episode Shag and Rob talk about The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 (by Joe […]


The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 goes on sale tomorrow! If you can’t wait that long, check out the five page preview over on right now! Click here to check it out! This issue is written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar and Daniel HDR, inked by Marlo Alquiza and Walden […]

New Firestorm Heroclix in Stores Today!

Check your local comic book or gaming shop today for DC Heroclix: Justice League, a brand new series of Heroclix based upon DC’s New 52! This set not only includes Firestorm, it includes THREE DIFFERENT FIRESTORMS! The set also includes fan-favorites like Cyborg, while characters like Madame Xanadu and John Constantine appear for the first […]

Looking to the future with FURY OF FIRESTORM #14

Yesterday DC Comics released the solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #14 shipping in November! Check out the fantastic cover below penciled by Dan Jurgens and inked by Ray McCarthy! Here is the solicitation: THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #14 Written by DAN JURGENS Art and cover by DAN JURGENS […]

Ronnie Raymond’s Step-Mother is coming to TV

Actress Emily Bett Rickards is joining the cast of the upcoming CW TV series Arrow as a semi-regular character named Felicity Smoak. The character is scheduled to debut in the third episode of the series entitled, “Lone Gunmen”. Long-time Match-heads may recognize that name as Ronnie Raymond’s step-mother from Firestorm vol II. Here is a […]

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