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Posts Tagged ‘Pat Broderick’

Read This Too – The Essential Man-Thing

And now for something completely different… Hey there, match-heads!  When you visit FIRESTORM FAN, I’m sure you expect to read about everybody’s favorite Nuclear Man.  Well today is going to be a little different.  We spend all our time here talking about Firestorm when there are zillions of other great comics out there to read!  […]

Superman vs Firestorm Pin-Up – May 1983

Here is a fantastic Pat Broderick pin-up that appeared in The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #12 (cover dated May 1983).  The drawing reenacts a scene from DC Comics Presents #17 in which Superman (under Killer Frost’s control) attacks Firestorm.  Pat Broderick is such a great artist and did amazing things while on the […]

Fury of Firestorm Advertisements – May and June 1982

Here are a couple advertisements that promoted The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man in various DC Comics in 1982. This first ad ran in comics cover dated May 1982.  In reality, comics with this cover date probably reached stores in February 1982. This next ad ran in comics cover dated June 1982.  In reality, […]

Showcase Presents: Firestorm The Nuclear Man

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN VOL. 1 TP Written by Gerry Conway; Art by Al Milgrom, George Perez, Pat Broderick, and others; Cover by Al Milgrom In this explosive, value-packed volume, witness the creation of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man! This collection features  Firestorm in battle against Killer Frost, the Pied Piper, Plastique, the Atomic […]

Nuclear News – 2009.01.29 – JLA, Appearances, Web sites, Martian Manhunter, Creators

Welcome to the second installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Lots of Justice League related news this time around. Trinity #35 just hit the stands yesterday. As I’ve mentioned previously, Firestorm (Jason/Gehenna) has been featured regularly in the Trinity series.  I can’t vouch for issue #35 (as I haven’t read it just yet), but Firestorm […]

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