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Posts Tagged ‘Justice League of America’

Justice League T-Shirt (2008)

Back to normal this week with only a couple postings. Today I’m displaying one of the few officially licensed t-shirts to include Firestorm.  For the record, I don’t know of any official t-shirts that feature Firestorm all by himself.  Today’s shirt came from Kohl’s in the summer of 2008.  It’s a great late-Bronze Age shot […]

Secret Files and the Ultimate Guide to the JLA – 2002 & 2003

Welcome back for the fourth installment of WHO’S WHO WEEK here at FIRESTORM FAN! Today we’ll be looking at the years when Ronnie Raymond flew solo as Firestorm (1995 – 2004).  Between July 1996 (when Extreme Justice ended) and October 2002 (when Firestorm rejoined the JLA), Firestorm appearances in the DC universe were few and […]

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