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Posts Tagged ‘Justice League of America’

Nuclear News – More Firestorm Toys Announced and other SDCC News

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Lots of Firestorm news came out of the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC).  Y’know, considering the current version of Firestorm doesn’t have his own book anymore, and the other version of Firestorm is dead… there sure are a lot of things going on! The biggest Firestorm […]

Nuclear News – 2009.07.23

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Lots going on with Firestorm right now, so let’s jump right in… Newsarama did a page-by-page summary of Blackest Night #1.  If you didn’t get a chance to read the issue, there are some nice moments related to Ronnie Raymond.   IGN featured a really great interview […]

Firestorm Appearances in September 2009

Firestorm is a busy guy this coming September.  Here are a few comics he’ll be appearing in… While he’s not mentioned in the solicit below, you can see a great rendition of the Jason Rusch Firestorm above on the cover to Justice League of America #37 (shipping on my birthday!). JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #37 […]

Nuclear News – 2009.06.08

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News!  Sorry I’ve been away for a bit.  My other blog, ONCE UPON A GEEK, has been keeping me busy.  Lots to catch up on, so let’s get on with it.. Dwayne McDuffie, writer of Justice League of America, has been fired from the JLA book.  According […]

Ronnie Raymond Appearance This Saturday?

We’ve known for quite some time that Ronnie Raymond will be a Black Lantern in the upcoming Blackest Night crossover.  Well, Blackest Night #0 is being released this Saturday, May 2, and rumor has it that Ronnie will make a cameo.  The rumors I’ve heard state that Ronnie’s gravestone will be seen in the issue, […]

Firestorm’s Recruited for the JLA

I recently came across a nice article about Firestorm’s induction into the Justice League of America. It’s actually part four in a series of articles about members joining the “classic” Justice League of America line-up.  This particular part focuses on Hawkgirl, Zatanna, and Firestorm, the final recruits into the “classic” League.  Click here to read […]

Showcase Presents: Firestorm The Nuclear Man

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN VOL. 1 TP Written by Gerry Conway; Art by Al Milgrom, George Perez, Pat Broderick, and others; Cover by Al Milgrom In this explosive, value-packed volume, witness the creation of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man! This collection features  Firestorm in battle against Killer Frost, the Pied Piper, Plastique, the Atomic […]

Justice League of America t-shirts featuring Firestorm

Since I posted my JLA t-shirt featuring Firestorm two weeks ago, I’ve come across several other shirts worth looking at.  Today we’ll focus on the JLA-related ones, but tomorrow come back for a special t-shirt that I’m very excited about. Here is a nice shirt I just got featuring an unusual collection of characters: Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, […]

Firestorm Wallpapers for Your Desktop

Today we are presenting a number of Firestorm-related desktop wallpapers to help you customize your computer.  If you’d rather just use a Firestorm comic book cover as your wallpaper, you can get those at the Grand Comic Database by clicking here. The first six wallpapers below come from the DC comics’ web site.  You can […]

Nuclear News – 2009.01.29 – JLA, Appearances, Web sites, Martian Manhunter, Creators

Welcome to the second installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Lots of Justice League related news this time around. Trinity #35 just hit the stands yesterday. As I’ve mentioned previously, Firestorm (Jason/Gehenna) has been featured regularly in the Trinity series.  I can’t vouch for issue #35 (as I haven’t read it just yet), but Firestorm […]

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