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Posts Tagged ‘Halloween’

Happy Halloween!

Check out Aaron “Brother Head” Moss’s pumpkin! Way to represent the Nuclear Man! Keep up with Aaron “Brother Head” Moss on his podcasts and his blog! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Dress as Firestorm for Halloween

Thanks to Target, it’s never been easier to dress as Firestorm for Halloween! Check out this hilarious flaming hat available at your local Target (assuming they aren’t already sold out)! The hat is sold as an exclusive to Target, “Chris March: Big Fun – Light-Up Flame Foam Wig”. They were available online, but have now […]

Return of the Lady Firestorm Cosplayer!

Remember the Lady Firestorm cosplayer from the Denver Comic Con a few months ago? Well, she reappeared this past Halloween! Check out her new and improved hair-doo below! I love the way she’s turned her natural hair into Firestorm’s flametop! Very creative! Additionally, Lady Firestorm’s family sent more fun photos from the Denver Comic Con. […]

Firestorm Carved Pumpkin & Cosplay

I realize Halloween was last week, but I couldn’t pass up posting these items. Check out this AMAZING pumpkin carving of Firestorm by Matthew Rodriguez!!!! Matthew did this pumpkin five years ago, but still considers it his best work. Way to go, Matthew! Matthew also dressed up as Firestorm for Halloween three years ago! Check […]

Ghosts Annual 1998: Shoe Shine.. Back from the Dead!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Eighteen different blogs have combined forces today to share some ghost stories in honor of All Hallows’ Eve! Our efforts today are loosely based upon the DC Comics crossover “Ghosts” that appeared in the 1998 JLA-related Annuals. During that crossover, the heroes fought against or were “haunted” by figures who had died throughout […]

Make Your Own Firestorm Jack O’ Lantern!

Alright Match-heads, check out this video on how to make a flaming pumpkin! With some minor modifications to the pumpkin face, you could have your very own Firestorm Jack O’ Lantern! With that said, please don’t try this at home unless you really know what you’re doing. And if you foolishly burn down your house, […]

Happy Halloween from FIRESTORM FAN!

Happy Halloween! Today I thought we’d celebrate with a collection of Firestorm cosplayers! Below you’ll find Brad West as Firestorm at Dragon*Con 2010 Below you’ll find Allen Hansard as Firestorm at Dragon*Con 2008 Below you’ll find Eric “The Smoke” Moran as Firestorm at Baltimore Comic-Con Below you’ll find Mr. Jamester as Firestorm Below you’ll find […]

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