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Posts Tagged ‘DC Universe Online Legends’

Firestorm Died in DC Universe Online Legends #23

NEWSFLASH: Firestorm died in the recently published DC Universe Online Legends #23… well, sort of. First, it’s pretty cool that Firestorm made an appearance in the DC Universe Online Legends comic, especially since he hasn’t shown up in the game itself yet. Second, it’s pretty cool he made the cover by Mike S. Miller! See […]

Nuclear News: 2011-06-20 Twitter Weekend Round-up

Lots of Firestorm-related items this past weekend buzzing around Twitter!  If you’re on Twitter, be sure you’re following @firestormfan!  Lots of things appearing there that might not merit a full post here. COMIC APPEARANCES Chris Rohling (@CMRohling) discussed Firestorm’s appearance in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom (I also received a nice e-mail from Michael A. Burstein […]

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