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JLA #1 and Vibe #1 Reviews – FIRE & WATER #47

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 47th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

Important new episode! Be sure to listen as soon as this one is posted! This episode Shag and Rob review Justice League of America #1 (by Geoff Johns & David Finch) and Justice League of America’s Vibe #1 (by Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg, Pete Woods, and Sean Parsons)!

You can find the 47th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (27 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme by Daniel Adams of The Bad Mamma Jammas! Outro theme by Ryan Willard of also The Bad Mamma Jammas.

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site for images related to this episode at!

Check out below the covers to Justice League of America #1 and Vibe #1, both by David Finch!

Justice League of America #1 cover by David Finch

Justice League of America's Vibe #1 cover by David Finch

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

DC Comics Moving Poster

This cool DC Comics moving/new address promotional poster was sent to comic shops and retailers in 1982 to announce they were moving across the street and provide everyone with the new address and phone number. How cool is that!?!?!? Check out all the awesome characters … and it’s drawn by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (praise be his name)! Click to enlarge!

DC Comics moving poster

And here is a close-up of our favorite hot-head!

DC Comics Moving Poster featuring Firestorm

This particular version is a replica that appeared in The DC Vault book a couple years ago. Such a cool sounding book!

My thanks to Rob Kelly of the Aquaman Shrine and Roger Priebe for the heads-up on this unique item!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firestorm and Nova

Ronnie Raymond… Richard Rider… both alliterative teenagers with astonishing powers. The Nuclear Man vs The Human Rocket! This was just bound to happen! Super-Team Family proudly presents Firestorm and Nova in, “Fatal Fallout!”

Super-Team Family Presents Firestorm the Nuclear Man and Nova

No, you didn’t miss an actual inter-company crossover starring the Nuclear Man and the Bucket-headed Hero. This fictitious meeting is the work of a gentleman named Ross who runs Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! That site is dedicated to the greatest team-ups that never happened. He started with Brave and the Bold fake covers starring Batman, transitioned into Marvel Two-in-One fake covers starring the Thing, and is now doing Super-Team Family featuring a wide variety of team-ups. Below are several previous Firestorm appearances:

Be sure to check out Ross’ work on Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! There are some real gems in there, and they were all done with Microsoft Paint! Impressive!

Support Firestorm (and Super-Team Family)! Fan the flame!


Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 in stores today! This issue features story and pencils by Dan Jurgens, inks by Karl Kesel & Ray McCarthy, and colors by Hi-Fi! The story picks up right after last issue’s cliffhanger ending and features Multiplex! Be sure to buy a copy today and tell your friends to also! Let’s get out there and show our support! We’ve only got a few more new issues of Firestorm, so let’s celebrate each one!

We’ll talk later. There’s lots to discuss. Be sure to leave your comments here!

Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #18 cover by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi Color

While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what today…

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 Preview

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 goes on sale tomorrow! If you can’t wait until tomorrow, head over to Man Cave Daily to check out the five page preview right now! Click here to check it out!

This issue features story and pencils by Dan Jurgens, finished ink art by Ray McCarthy & Karl Kesel, and colors by Hi-Fi! Let’s get out there and show our support for Firestorm! There may only be three issues left, but let’s make sure the title goes out on a high note! The story picks up right after Ronnie’s mom disappeared last issue! Be sure to buy a copy tomorrow and tell your friends to also!

Below are a few pages from the preview. Be sure to visit Man Cave Daily to see all five preview pages!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi Color

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi Color

Did you notice Jason’s look when Tonya hugged Ronnie? It’s gotta be hard balancing your friend’s personal tragedy with your own jealousy, right Jason?!?! Don’t forget, pick up your copy of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #18 tomorrow!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Super Powers Collection, Part 2 – FIRE & WATER #46

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 46th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

BECAUSE THE LISTENERS DEMANDED IT! This episode Rob and Shag revisit one of the most beloved superhero brands of all time – Kenner’s Super Powers Collection! We continue our coverage with: vehicles & playsets from the toyline, Super Powers around the globe, the cartoons, the comic books, and tons of tie-in merchandise!

For more on the Super Powers Collection action figures, visit Jason Geyer’s Super Powers Archive. Also, be sure to visit the Hall of Justice Super Powers website.

You can find the 46th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (58 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site for lots of cool Super Powers merchandise at!

Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show  (a.k.a. the Super Friends incarnation where Firestorm brought the awesome!)

Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show

The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians… with even more Firestorm awesomeness!

Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Pat Broderick: Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – a fantastic interview with fan-favorite Firestorm artist, Pat Broderick!

Pat Broderick

Pat Broderick’s first work on Firestorm appeared in Flash #303 (Nov. 1981). He continued drawing the back-up stories in The Flash and launched Firestorm’s ongoing series the next year with The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982). Pat stayed with the character for about a year and a half before moving on to other projects. His work on the series is fondly remembered by many Match-heads, and those early issues of The Fury of Firestorm remain some of the most beloved tales of the Nuclear Man.

Pat is also known for his great work on numerous books, such as: Micronauts, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Doom 2099, Captain Atom, and Batman: Year Three. Pat was active in the comic scene for over twenty years and then turned to advertising full time. Nowadays Pat is dedicated to giving back to the craft that has given him and his fans much enjoyment by teaching illustration and storytelling at Tampa’s International Academy of Design and Technology. Pat has recently returned to the world of comics with his own creation, Nibiru the Legend of Annunaki, an epic Middle Eastern saga inspired by the regions ancient lore, truth, and myth.

Pat was kind enough to spend some time discussing his run on Firestorm and other projects with FIRESTORM FAN.


FIRESTORM FAN: How did you first get interested in reading comics and what were some of your favorites?

PAT BRODERICK: I guess like all of us this started when I was a child of 8 years old back in Brandon, Fla. I wasn’t a great reader, but when my older brothers brought home these comics I spent hours looking over them. One day I picked up a pencil and copied a panel from X-Men #1. I was hooked from that moment on. Throughout my early school days my test papers were covered with sketches of comic book characters.

FF: What attracted you to drawing comics and how did you break into the business?

PB: At the age of 17 I read that DC comics was sponsoring a “Junior Bullpen contest” at that years New York comic con. I put together a dozen samples and went to New York that summer, and was chosen. I think that was around 1974. It was very intimidating as there were hundreds in line that day. Around lunch time the panel took a break and I noticed two important looking gentlemen talking in an adjacent ballroom. I wandered over and introduced myself to them and asked if I could show them my work. They turned out to be Carmine Infantino and Saul Harrison. I got lucky….

FF: What creators influenced you early in your career? Which creators still influence you today?

PB: As a child that would have to be Steve Ditko, and Jack Kirby. Then as a teenager it expanded to Wally Wood, Russ Heath, Gil Kane, Joe Kubert, and most importantly, Neal Adams… Then Frank Frazetta, hell everyone who worked for both companies at that time. I just couldn’t get enough.

FF: You’ve worked with many different inkers, each bringing their own distinctive feel to the art. What are some characteristics that different inkers bring out in your pencils?

PB: I use to think that I had been inked by both good and bad inkers. But as an adult looking back I realize that the “bad” was my own inexperience, not the inkers.

FF: Over the past couple months, I’ve been reading the Micronauts series for the first time. Such wonderful and imaginative comics! That series provided you the opportunity to draw some wildly imaginative characters and landscapes. What are some of your favorite memories and/or things you drew from your time on that book?

PB: The entire series was a dream come true for me. Look I’m a fan boy at heart. So at the time I was really knocked out by the Mike Golden issues and wanted to just do the series justice. Having just finished my run on Captain Marvel I was well entrenched in the Sci-Fi Genre so this fit like a glove and it began a working relationship with Bill Mantlo…

Micronauts #29 cover by Pat Broderick


FF: How did you get the Firestorm assignment and were you familiar with the character before taking the job? When you took the job, had it been determined the back-up strips in The Flash would lead to an ongoing series?

PB: The Firestorm assignment was the first single character title offered by Dick Giordano. I had just left Marvel at the time and had done some work on the Legion of Super-Heroes series but really wanted a single character title. I got lucky again and began what turned out to be a very successful partnership with Gerry Conway. Gerry liked working the “Marvel” way and gave me a great amount of input. I’m forever grateful to him for that.

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #1 cover by Pat Broderick

FF: Did Gerry Conway write full-script or plot-first, and how collaborative was your relationship while on The Fury of Firestorm? Once you received the script/plot from Gerry, how would you tackle it?

PB: Gerry worked from phone conversations with me first, I’d take notes and he’d let me add just about anything I wanted. It was truly a unique method. Then I would create small but very detailed thumbnails and afterwards enlarge them with an Art-o-graph projector onto the 11×17 stock. The art would then go to Gerry for scripting.

FF: What were some of your favorite issues or storylines from your time on Firestorm? What makes those issues stand out for you?

PB: The entire run has to qualify as my best. Every plot that Gerry came up with was better than the previous one, so it’s really hard to differentiate one from another for me to choose.

FF: You drew a lot of interesting characters during your run on Firestorm. Which did you enjoy drawing more than others?

PB: I most defiantly would pick Firehawk.

Fury of Firestorm #17 featuring Firehawk by Pat Broderick

FF: During your time on Firestorm, there were mentions in letters pages and fanzines of a Firestorm graphic novel you and Gerry were working on entitled, “Corona”. The mystery surrounding this unpublished graphic novel has become legendary with Firestorm fans. Can you tell us anything about the graphic novel? Do you still have any pages from it?

PB: All that I can say about the graphic novel is that it’s a shame it was never published.

FF: Why did you end up leaving the Firestorm book?

PB: I had gone through a bout with depression at the time. My marriage fell apart, I felt lost, I had just accepted my Sun-Runners assignment from Pacific comics and was just overwhelmed at the time. The one thing that happened that was positive was I had met my next, and current wife Patricia at the time, we married about a year and a half later and have been together now for 28 years.

FF: While drawing The Fury of Firestorm, you created the artistic look for the character of Plastique. Years later she turned up in Captain Atom, a book you were drawing at the time, and she became a reoccurring character. Coincidence?

PB: She did become a popular character, even made it into live action with the Clark and Lois series. A hot lady, an explosive personality, with a French accent to boot…

Plastique on Fury of Firestorm #7 cover by Pat Broderick


FF: Your new creator-owned project, Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki, just launched. Can you tell us a little about the series and the main characters?

PB: Nibiru and the Legend of the Annunaki is a fascinating story from the beginning of the Sumerian civilization. It describes, in their words, their “Gods” who actually lived with them some 8,000 years ago, how they had discovered Earth and set up mining operations here. But they found our worlds environment and working conditions harsh so they revolted against their superiors. One of their “Lords” was Ea/Enki of their royal line who was a scientist. In order to quell the rebellion he offered to create a worker from one of the indigenous hominoid species they had discovered here to do the mining for them. They created the “Adamu”, the first homo-erectus, “In their image and likeness”. Enki’s brother Enil who was their leader and royal heir to the throne of Nibiru had established his home here on Earth, called the “E-din” which was located in the Mesopotamian valley. He reluctantly approved of this hybrid, but with restrictions, so when he discovered that his brother Enki was educating this Adamu and his mate he expelled him from his home to work in the mines along with their other altered workers. All of this story has been adapted from the Enimu-Elish tablets. It is these tablets that we have the story of Gilgamesh.

Nibiru and the Legend of Annunaki

FF: The back story of Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki is rich and steeped in history and myth. What inspired and influenced you as you created the series?

PB: A couple of events were the bases of this inspiration. First when I read “The 12th Planet” by Zecharia Sitchin, and the additional work of Michael Tellinger “Adams Calendar” all of their source material is derived from the Enimu-Elish. The second and most important event was the tragic death of my nephew Dan Reilly a year ago. I was really hurt and angry by this tragic event and wanted to scream about the unfairness of it. So I decided to find out why “God” was still so cruel. I found out from this research that things are not always what we’re taught. I discovered that there was a reason why the God of the Old Testament seemed to be so different from the God of the New Testament. And that’s because they were two different entities. You see the Old Testament was a rewriting of these older text from Sumer. That they had adapted the Sumerian Gods into their own rewritten history. Enill had become Yahweh. And his efforts to reinforce his position as their leader became his instruction of “You shall not worship any other God before me”. You see it had become a feud between brothers and their sons for control.

FF: We’re all familiar with your amazing artwork, but Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki will be the first time many fans have seen your writing. What aspects of writing comics do you enjoy the most and what do you find the most challenging?

PB: What I enjoy the most is being involved in both aspects of this art form now. And with the help of very talented people such as Robb Epps who acts as my assistant editor who proof reads my work and points out my short comings as a writer. But this series is built on a established foundation so my job here is to try to get into the characters minds and rework it to fit into this medium and attractive for todays readers.

FF: As this is a digital-only series, it provides the opportunity to tell stories differently than you would in traditional comic book format. What are some differences readers should expect to see in Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki?

PB: It’s produced in landscape format for adaptation to the new technology of the internet and the many different appliances which access it. Each story runs 16 pages in length which is perfect for my working schedule as I also teach at two local colleges. So It’s being offered at $1.50 per issue or $18.00 per year.

Nibiru and the Legend of the Annunaki

FF: How can people subscribe to your digital-only series and how is the content delivered?

PB: It can be accessed through my web site where it can be read and downloaded as a PDF. Later on this year there will be a Kickstarter campaign to launch a trade collection.

FF: What are some of the differences you find when working on a creator-owned project versus a job for one of the big companies?

PB: I take all of my own calls instead of knocking on closed doors. And its mine, so any future financial benefits will be mine and not shared with any of the big companies. No more 12 dollar reprint checks. No more unreimbursed appearances in animation or live action, or toy lines.


FF: What other comic books are you reading nowadays?

PB: Really nothing at the moment. Way too busy for that right now.

FF: Looking back at all the work you’ve amassed during your career prior to Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki, what are you most proud of? What do you consider a high point both personally and creatively?

PB: To answer this is to open a whole can of worms as all of the writers I’ve worked with will certainly feel that their work should be the one I choose. So let me say it this way, all of my collaborative efforts received my best. I will have to say that my work on Doom 2099 with John Moore stands out as the best of my time on that series, and not the work with that other Doom 2099 writer.

Doom 2099 cover by Pat Broderick

Thanks to Pat Broderick for generously donating his time to this interview! Head over to Pat’s website,, and subscribe to Nibiru & the Legend of Annunaki!  For more on Pat’s era of Firestorm, click here for a FIRESTORM FAN interview with writer Gerry Conway!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed the interview!

Support Firestorm (and Pat Broderick)! Fan the flame!

Ethan Van Sciver Recent Firestorm Drawing

Ethan Van Sciver, former writer and artist on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, posted this fantastic Firestorm drawing over the weekend to his Twitter account! He drew this at MegaCon on a blank Justice League #1 variant cover! Nice!

Ethan Van Sciver draws Firestorm on Justice League #1 blank variant

Looks to me this is an amalgamation of Van Sciver’s costume for Ronnie Raymond from his tenure on the book, combined with the classic Firestorm look. Pretty much everything is Van Sciver’s costume for Ronnie, with the exception of the yellow tunic with pointed shoulders. Looks great!

Support Firestorm (and Ethan Van Sciver)! Fan the flame!

PS: Be sure to come back tomorrow for an interview with Pat Broderick, the fan-favorite artist who launched The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man back in 1982!


Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Justice League #18 in stores today! Firestorm definitely turns up in this issue, so it’s must-have! Written by Geoff Johns with art by Jesus Saiz and Gary Frank! Looks like the Justice League is selecting their new members! Let’s hope the Nuclear Man is dressed for success!

If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to Comic Book Resources to check out the four page preview! Below are a couple pages from the preview. Be sure to visit Comic Book Resources to see all four preview pages!

 Justice League #18 cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

Justice League #18 featuring Firestorm by Jesus Saiz

Justice League #18 featuring Firestorm by Jesus Saiz

Did you notice Blue Devil?!?!?! Firestorm and Blue Devil on the Justice League together?!?! That might just be too much for me to handle!!!!!

My thanks to fellow Match-head Eric Sellers for directing me to this preview on Comic Book Resources.  Be sure to pick up a copy and revel in the Nuclear Man goodness! Leave your comments here!

Support Firestorm (and Justice League)! Fan the flame!

PS: Don’t forget, come back here later this week for an interview with Pat Broderick, the fan-favorite artist who launched The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man back in 1982!

Pat Broderick original cover for Fury of Firestorm #2 (1982)

Get ready Match-heads… coming later this week we’ve got an interview with Pat Broderick! That’s right, the artist who launched The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man back in 1982!  To remind you just how great he is, today we’ve got a cool unpublished version of the cover to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #2!

I first became aware of this unpublished cover through our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog! In addition to finding the cover, Jon noticed some interesting notes in the margins. Head over to the FIZZIT blog for the specifics on the notes. Below you’ll see a side-by-side comparison of the unpublished version and the final version. There are lots of little variances, but the most obvious differences to me include: Firestorm’s pose, the missing Hookah, Rabbit’s face, and the Caterpillar’s face and head. Check them out below. Then read further down for comments from Pat Broderick himself!

Fury of Firestorm #2 cover by Pat Broderick

I reached out to Pat Broderick asking what he could tell us about the cover and about the notes in the margin. He was kind enough to respond with the following:

May I point out that first, the missing object didn’t make it past DC’s editorial department. Which at the time I thought was funny since its part of the original Wonderland story. I’m speaking of the Hookah. The notes at the bottom? The one on the right is mine, the one on the left is Dicks. The reason was most likely because he was way over worked at the time. After the requested changes it became a tighter deadline so most likely Dick had to step in and ink it to meet the deadline…Funny how things work out. It’s my opinion that the first composition made a better cover.

Awesome to hear Pat’s perspective on the cover! Below you’ll find a much larger version of the cover for you to enjoy. Be sure to click the image to enlarge!

Fury of Firestorm #2 original cover by Pat Broderick

And here is the final colored version!

Fury of Firestorm #2 cover by Pat Broderick

My thanks to Pat Broderick for the information on this cover! Check back here later in the week for our interview with Pat Broderick!

Also, my thanks to Jon from FIZZIT for inspiring this post! If you are interested in purchasing this original unpublished cover (and have $1,950 to spare), check it out on Comic Link!

Support Firestorm (and Pat Broderick)! Fan the flame!

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