CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Today FIRESTORM FAN is teaming up with the blogs representing Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman! All through December over on THE IDOL-HEAD OF DIABOLU, our good buddy Frank has been running “The December of Despero!” That’s right, everyone’s favorite Martian Manhunter blog has turned the reigns over to one […]
Posts Tagged ‘Wonder Woman’
Ghosts Annual 1998: Shoe Shine.. Back from the Dead!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Eighteen different blogs have combined forces today to share some ghost stories in honor of All Hallows’ Eve! Our efforts today are loosely based upon the DC Comics crossover “Ghosts” that appeared in the 1998 JLA-related Annuals. During that crossover, the heroes fought against or were “haunted” by figures who had died throughout […]
Firestorm Endorses East Jordan, Michigan
Firestorm is such a great guy! When he’s not saving the world, he’s taking time out of his busy day to help increase tourism in small communities! For example, he appears inside the visitors guide for East Jordan, Michigan. Below you’ll find the cover. Notice Wonder Woman and Superman also appear to be staunch supporters […]
DragonCon 2012 Cosplay Crossover
CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Twelve different blogs have combined forces today to feature some of the amazing cosplayers at DragonCon 2012! Each blog in this crossover will focus on their own favorite heroes and corresponding cosplayers. If you’re not familiar with DragonCon, it’s the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, […]
A Fire and Water Crossover: Member of the Wedding
Today I’m pleased to present A FIRE AND WATER CROSSOVER between Firestorm Fan and The Aquaman Shrine! I had originally planned to make this another installment in my “Completist’s Burden” series. However, I prefer to think of this as… “Look who got invited to the wedding of the century… and look who didn’t.” When it […]
Interview with Dustin Koetsch, artist of DC Minimalist Poster
Last month we featured some really cool DC Comics fan artwork by Dustin Koetsch. This included a collage of several “minimalist posters” based upon the costumes of DC Comics characters, as well as a Firestorm faux cover. After running this art, Dustin and I started a correspondence which eventually led to an interview about the […]
DC Minimalist Poster and Faux Firestorm Cover by Dustin
Below is one of the neatest poster ideas I’ve seen! Dustin Koetsch (a.k.a. Dustin Von Doom, Dustin Wildcard, and Dustin Ω) designed several “minimalist posters” based upon the costumes of DC Comics characters. He then took several of them and created the amazing collage below. You can find this on his deviantART page. Click the […]
Firestorm found in Justice League stickers
Whenever I travel on long trips via Interstate 10, I always seem to stop at the same gas station. While there last year I came across some Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos featuring Firestorm. I stopped there again recently and came across the Justice League stickers below, also featuring Firestorm! Crazy! Apparently […]
Holiday Break
I’m gonna take a few days off from blogging due to the holidays and some painful deadlines at work. I’ll see you in a few days! Meanwhile, check out Jason and Gehenna at the JLA Christmas party from the 2008 DC Universe Holiday Special. Story by Alan Burnett with art by Kevin Maguire. In this […]
Firestorm in the new Justice League?
On Bleeding Cool yesterday, an image by Jim Lee was released featuring the new Justice League. The team consists of Aquaman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Flash (presumably Barry Allen), and Cyborg. Interestingly, in the background you can see Deadman, the Atom, Elemental Woman (presumably), Green Arrow, Hawkman, Power Girl (presumably), Mera […]