Big Bang Theory is well-known for promoting DC Comics’ characters. A few months back we discussed Sheldon wearing a t-shirt featuring Firestorm. It’s been known by matchheads who watch the show that a Firestorm action figure lurches in the background of the nerd’s apartment. I’ve had a few people mention it over the past few […]
Posts Tagged ‘Sheldon’
Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Wears Firestorm
This past week on The Big Bang Theory, the character of Sheldon was spotted wearing a t-shirt featuring Firestorm! The episode was entitled “The Russian Rocket Reaction” and you can see the shirt below. Below is a close-up of the t-shirt image. We featured it here on FIRESTORM FAN back in 2009. It’s an unusual […]
Nuclear News – 2009.06.08
Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Sorry I’ve been away for a bit. My other blog, ONCE UPON A GEEK, has been keeping me busy. Lots to catch up on, so let’s get on with it.. Dwayne McDuffie, writer of Justice League of America, has been fired from the JLA book. According […]