After a two day hiatus, we’re continuing Pozhar Week! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. Today we’re examining the supporting characters in Mikhail Arkadin’s world… First and foremost is Mikhail’s family. Mikhail was a committed family man, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Rasputin’
Firestorm vol. II #84 (April 1989) – Original Art
Here are some scans of the original art from Firestorm vol. II #84. Jon from the Fizzit Firestorm blog happens to own several of the original pages. He was kind enough to allow me to publish them here. Thanks, Jon! Firestorm volume II #84 – “Souls of Fire” Writer: John Ostrander Penciller: Tom Grindberg Inker: […]