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Posts Tagged ‘personal’

Live From Devon, PA – FIRE & WATER LESS-THAN-SPECIAL Play in new window | Download Over 120 hours recording together, and then this happens! This less-than-special live recording of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. You can find this less-than-special episode of THE FIRE AND […]

Computer Trouble

Uh-oh. Looks like Blythe Bonner (a.k.a. Byte) has gotten the best of my PC! My hard drive is rapidly dying. It’s replaceable, but with my upcoming travel schedule it might be as long as two weeks until I’m up and running again. Therefore, you may not see posts here for a little while. When I’m able […]

Deathstorm Confirmed for Forever Evil… plus I rant for a bit

A while back we reported rumors that Deathstorm might make his way to DC’s New 52. Well, we can now confirm Deathstorm’s return in the upcoming Forever Evil mini-series. DC Comics has released a preview for the first issue of the Forever Evil mini-series by Geoff Johns and David Finch.  You can find all five […]

Favorite Covers: The Fury of Firestorm #40

Time for another favorite cover! The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #40 cover art by Mike Clark and Steve Mitchell (cover dated Oct. 1985)! This particular cover has always been a bit inspirational for me. Ronnie triumphing in school and starting the next phase of his personal life. While I didn’t graduate today, I do have my […]


Hey Match-heads! I’m taking a few days off to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. See you back here on Monday! Enjoy your holiday! Support Firestorm (and Thanksgiving)! Fan the flame!

Happy Father’s Day To Me!

Happy post-Father’s Day to all the dads out there! While today’s post isn’t strictly about Firestorm, it is geek-related. And this is technically my blog, so I think the occasional digression is reasonable. I had a fantastic Father’s Day weekend with my family! Spent some good quality time with my six year old daughter — […]


Hey Match-heads! Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. I was crazy-busy last week with work, and now I’m down with the flu. Believe me, the flu sucks! I’m sick as a dog. I guess I could say, “sick as a Hyena”, if anyone remembers Fury of Firestorm #11 shown below. As I regain […]

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