Just this past week DC Comics Superhero Collection Figurine Magazine #46 featuring Firestorm shipped to comic shops across the United States. It’s been out for a while in the UK, but Diamond Comics Distributors just got their copies out a few days ago. This publication includes a figurine of the featured character cast in lead, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Mikhail Arkadin’
Elemental Firestorm Promotional Efforts – 1989
When introducing the “Elemental Firestorm” in 1989, DC Comics made special promotional efforts to get the word out about this dramatic change. The Elemental Firestorm was a fascinating character and a tremendous departure from what had come before. Two years prior writer John Ostrander had changed Firestorm from the classic Ronnie Raymond/Professor Stein combination to […]
The “Blank Slate” Firestorm – 1987-89
Back in 1987, Firestorm writer John Ostrander made a dramatic and risky change to the lead character of the series. For nine years, Firestorm had existed as the combination of the youthful Ronnie Raymond and the brilliant Professor Martin Stein. While merged, Raymond was in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of […]
Firestorm Writer John Ostrander Needs Your Help
John Ostrander, long-time writer of Firestorm volume II, needs your help. John has been battling glaucoma for years now. If he loses this battle, he loses his eyesight. John recently had some very expensive surgery. Without the surgery, he would not have been able to retain his sight. Unfortunately, the resulting medical bills are more […]
Firestorm vol. II #84 (April 1989) – Original Art
Here are some scans of the original art from Firestorm vol. II #84. Jon from the Fizzit Firestorm blog happens to own several of the original pages. He was kind enough to allow me to publish them here. Thanks, Jon! Firestorm volume II #84 – “Souls of Fire” Writer: John Ostrander Penciller: Tom Grindberg Inker: […]