Today we’re looking at more adorable do-it-yourself Cubees designed by Joshua Wolf! This time around he’s focused on several of the Nuclear Man’s rogues! These are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! To get an idea what an assembled Cubee looks like, check out this Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) Cubee. Previously, we’ve […]
Posts Tagged ‘Joshua Wolf’
More Firestorm Cubees
A while back we looked at a Firestorm Cubee created by Joshua Wolf. Today we’re looking at a few more of these adorable, do-it-yourself folks. They are called Cubees and are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! I haven’t assembled these particular ones yet, but here are the patterns. First up […]
Firestorm Cubed
Check out this adorable, do-it-yourself Firestorm! It’s called a Cubee and is made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! There are zillions of different Cubees out on the interwebs. This particular one was designed by Joshua Wolf. To provide a sense of scale, below is the Cubee along with the Super Powers […]