Super-Team Family proudly presents Firestorm and The Human Torch & Toro in “Frosty Reception”! No, you didn’t miss an actual inter-company crossover starring the Nuclear Man and Marvel’s flaming android. This fictitious meeting is the work of a gentleman named Ross who runs Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! That site is dedicated to the greatest team-ups […]
Posts Tagged ‘Human Torch’
Adventure Comics Presents Dial “H” for Hero Jam Cover
Check out this super-fun mock cover for Adventure Comics #483 featuring Dial “H” for Hero! Bill Raupp has commissioned a series of sketches he’s labeled “Grok’s Multiverse Force Project”. These commissions consist of teams of heroes assembled from numerous universes (i.e Marvel, DC, Ultraverse, and more!). This particular one features art by Anthony Castrillo, Alex Saviuk, […]