That’s right, Match-heads! FIRESTORM FAN has joined Tumblr in an effort to conquer each and every social media platform! Well… maybe not Pinterest. Follow us on Tumblr Head over to the new Tumblr site for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Follow” the page! If you’re not on Tumblr, you can still […]
Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’
Get Social for FURY OF FIRESTORM #7
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7 arrives in comic book shops this Wednesday. This issue makes a great jumping-on point for readers with a new direction, new co-writer Joe Harris, and interior artwork by Ethan Van Sciver! As usual, the colors by Hi-Fi Colour Design will be outstanding! Just in case you were […]
Firestorm Buzz is Everywhere!
The buzz on Firestorm is all over social media this morning! While you’re waiting to pick up your copy of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1, check out the buzz online! I’ll be covering the big news over on Facebook at Firestorm Fan! While on Facebook, be sure to check out Ethan Van Sciver, […]
Facebook Page for Firestorm Fan – Show Your Support
That’s right! FIRESTORM FAN is finally on Facebook! Like us on Facebook Heads-up Facebook users, I’ve launched a Facebook page for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Like” the page! In addition to announcing new posts, I’ll also share links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here. Click […]
Follow FIRESTORM FAN and show your support
A big THANK YOU to all the Firestorm fans who read this blog! I sincerely appreciate that you take time out of your busy week to read my thoughts on the Nuclear Man. When I started this blog back in January 2009, I had no idea how long it would last or if anyone would […]
Nuclear News – Blackest Night Falls
Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Blackest Night #3 is heading our way soon, but not much upcoming Firestorm news beyond that. They want to leave us in suspense. So here is what I’ve cobbled together for you about our favorite Nuclear Man… Black Lantern Firestorm made his first appearance in Blackest […]