Today we continue PLASTIQUE WEEK! First up is Plastique’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008). I recommend fans of DC Comics’ continuity prior to The New 52 pick up the DC Comics Encyclopedia. This is an outstanding resource book and makes for fun reading. Maybe I’m just a junkie for […]
Posts Tagged ‘DC Comics Encyclopedia’
Firebird of Soyuz
Ready for a blast from the past? Anyone remember the team of Russian super-powered teenagers called Soyuz? Check out Firebird’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008). Firebird was secretly Serafina Arkadina, the niece of Mikhail Arkadin (a.k.a. Pozhar, and one-half of the “Blank Slate”-era Firestorm). At one point, John Ostrander […]
Remember Captain X on Veterans Day
Today is Veterans Day, an annual holiday here in the United States honoring military veterans. Back on Memorial Day we celebrated Captain X, a U.S. aviator during World War II, by posting his Who’s Who entry. Today we’re celebrating Captain X again, but this time we’re featuring his entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and […]
Firehawk – Who’s Who and Mayfair RPG stats
Welcome to FIREHAWK WEEK! This week we’ll be looking at different Firehawk-related items. Today we’ll be focusing on Who’s Who and the DC Encyclopedia. Wednesday we’ll be looking at other DC merchandise. And come back Friday for the unveiling of a newly-commissioned Firehawk sketch done for the FIRESTORM FAN site! We start today with Who’s […]