Ramona Fradon is one of the all-time great comic book artists! I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2018 at the Baltimore Comic Con, and she was a true joy. Ramona Fradon is known by many as THE premier Aquaman artist, having drawn the character for over 10 years and launching Aquaman into the Silver Age of […]
Posts Tagged ‘commission’
Disney & Firestorm Mash-up with Goofy, Elsa and Jiminy by James Silvani
I love this convention sketch by James Silvani so much! It features a very clever mash-up between Firestorm and Disney characters! Goofy is playing the role of Ronnie Raymond, Jiminy Cricket is playing the role of Professor Martin Stein, and Elsa the Snow Queen from Disney’s Frozen is playing Killer Frost! Click the image to enlarge! […]
Get Your Own Parody Comic Book Portrait!
Artist Billy Penn (Hot Shot & Mighty Girl, Savage Dragon) is currently running a special on Parody Comic Book Portraits! Click the advertisement below to enlarge. For Father’s Day 2009, my wife commissioned Billy to draw a parody comic book cover featuring me. Billy created the brilliant homage to Flash #123 (Sept. 1961) you see […]
New Firestorm Drawing by Co-Creator Al Milgrom – 2010
Firestorm the Nuclear Man was created by two extraordinarily talented individuals, writer Gerry Conway and artist Al Milgrom. We were fortunate enough last month to feature an exclusive interview with Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway. Today I’m incredibly proud to present a brand-spanking-new Firestorm drawing by Al Milgrom, the other co-creator of Firestorm! I contacted Al […]