Firestorm is going to headline an ongoing TV series! Not a hoax! Not a dream! Not an imaginary story! This is happening, Match-heads! Happy early Birthday/Christmas/Life Day all rolled into one! My mind is still reeling! Firestorm, Atom, Captain Cold, and Black Canary starring together in an ongoing team-up TV series?!?!?! Deadline broke the news and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Black Canary’
FIRE & WATER PODCAST #100 – All-Star Coverage of JLA #200
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Play in new window | Download Our third anniversary and 100 episodes!! FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE proudly present the 100th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST! To celebrate, Shag and Rob cover an all-time favorite comic, Justice League of America #200 by Gerry Conway, Brett Breeding, and an all-star line-up of guest artists. Joining […]
April Fool’s Day Hijinks from Count Drunkula & Anj!
Our friend Count Drunkula over at Flowers & Fishnets: A Black Canary blog had some fun at my expense on April Fool’s Day. He re-dressed his blog as … wait for it … FIRESTORM FAN! What?!?! Drunkula has a unique, and quite possibly psychotic, sense of humor. To completely mess with his reader’s minds, and […]
Super Muppets
After seeing Muppets Most Wanted last weekend with my daughter, and then this fantastic “Super Puppets” artwork by Gregg Schigiel… I want a JLA Muppets movie right now!!! Love this so much! Firestorm looks like such a happy puppet!! Click the image to visit Gregg’s site. Support Firestorm (and Gregg Schigiel)! Fan the flame!
Firestorm found in Justice League stickers
Whenever I travel on long trips via Interstate 10, I always seem to stop at the same gas station. While there last year I came across some Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos featuring Firestorm. I stopped there again recently and came across the Justice League stickers below, also featuring Firestorm! Crazy! Apparently […]
Crisis On Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge
Welcome to FIRESTORM FAN’s part of the Crisis on Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge! FIRESTORM FAN is the source for DC Comics’ Nuclear Man! You’ll find anything and everything Firestorm-related here. Things such as merchandise, comics, toys, apparel, cartoons, news, creator interviews, and commentary about the character. If this is your first time here, welcome aboard! […]