Howdy Match-heads! It’s been a busy week for Firestorm news! Here is a quick recap of some Nuclear News… Yildiray Cinar, current Firestorm artist, posted a rockin’ new teaser image promoting issue #3! This image is similar to the teaser images released prior to issue #1 and #2. Could this be the new villain called […]
Posts Tagged ‘advertisement’
Fantastic Teaser by Steve Buccellato
Check out this awesome teaser posted yesterday on the Facebook page for Steve Buccellato, colorist on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1! Art by Yildiray Cinar and colors by Steve Buccellato. What a great way to generate some excitement for a book! I wish I’d caught this yesterday. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
Firestorm #1 on sale December 6…
That’s right folks, Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1 on sale December 6 … in the year 1977. What? Did I accidentally mislead some people? Whoops, my bad. Sorry about that. 😉 Isn’t this a great house ad? I love it! I especially dig the Professor and Ronnie’s silhouettes in the background. This also proves that […]
Brightest Day Teaser and Solicitations
DC Comics released a Brightest Day teaser image on their blog yesterday. Below you’ll find the Brightest Day teaser image, click to enlarge. Such a cool shot, and so full of clues! Below I’ve zoomed in on Ronnie and Jason so you can get a better look at what they’re doing. JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM: […]
Brightest Day Advertisement by David Finch
The DC Source Blog published a Brightest Day advertisement by David Finch. Not sure if this is an upcoming cover or just an advertisement. This one included all the resurrected characters from Blackest Night #8. Check it out below: Here is a close-up shot of Firestorm from that artwork. Looks to me that the colorist […]
The “Blank Slate” Firestorm – 1987-89
Back in 1987, Firestorm writer John Ostrander made a dramatic and risky change to the lead character of the series. For nine years, Firestorm had existed as the combination of the youthful Ronnie Raymond and the brilliant Professor Martin Stein. While merged, Raymond was in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of […]
Super Powers Action Figures TV Commercial
Hell ya Firestorm’s gonna save Hawkman! And for the record, Firestorm don’t need Superman swooping in to save him from a fall. Firestorm can fly all by himself. Beat it, big blue! Thanks to Michael Bailey of Fortress of Baileytude and Views from the Longbox for directing me to this video. Support Firestorm! Fan the […]
Firestorm (vol. III) Promotional Poster
This 11″ x 34″ promotional poster was sent to comic shops in April/May 2004. The owner of my local shop (Cosmic Cat Comics and Games) was kind enough to give this to me after the promotion was over. The art on the poster was done by ChrisCross, with the bottom portion of the poster making […]
Secret Origins Advertisement – April 1986
Secret Origins was a fantastic series that started back in 1986. This particular ad appeared in comics that were cover-dated April 1986 and was cleverly dressed to look like the front page of the Daily Planet. Check out Firestorm in the bottom right-hand corner. He was featured early on in the Secret Origins series thanks to […]