While at DragonCon 2012, I had an opportunity to meet Dan Jolley, original writer for Firestorm vol 3 and creator of Jason Rusch! Our conversation was brief, but he was super-nice! I’m hopeful we’ll get another chance to chat in the future. In the meantime, enjoy his autograph on this awesome promotional poster and check […]
Posts under ‘Firestorm #06: Jason beginner’
Favorite Covers: Firestorm #19
I love the cover to Firestorm vol. III #19 by Matt Haley! What makes this cover special is the beauty of deep space, the glow of Firestorm’s nuclear aura, and the breathtaking Donna Troy. Wow! It’s gorgeous! This was an interesting time for Jason as he was wearing a costume very similar to the classic […]
Stuart Moore: Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN
We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – a fantastic interview with Firestorm writer, Stuart Moore! Stuart Moore wrote FIRESTORM vol III for 19 issues from 2005 through 2007. Thanks to the length of his run, Stuart has written Jason Rusch more than any other writer. Stuart’s run brought dramatic changes for […]
Happy Father’s Day to Jason’s Dad!
Happy Father’s Day to Jason Rusch’s dad, Alvin Rusch! … oh, wait… on second thought, maybe not… From Firestorm vol 3 #1 ~ written by Dan Jolley, pencils by ChrisCross, and inks by John Dell Notice Jason’s black eye? Guess who gave that to him… From Firestorm vol 3 #3 ~ written by Dan Jolley, […]
Firestorm Sketches
Got a few Firestorm sketches for you today! Enjoy! Fellow Firestorm fan Chad Bokelman sent me the scan below by Scott Kolins of the Black Lantern Firestorm. Kolins drew Blackest Night: Flash in which Black Lantern Firestorm made an appearance. Chad now has this sketch framed and proudly displayed in his bedroom. As Chad said […]
DC Reprints Jason and Ronnie’s first meeting
Hot dog! In an effort to tie-in with Brightest Day, DC will be reprinting some of Firestorm volume III. I’m really pleased with this because I believe more of Jason’s run should be collected. DC Comics Presents: Brightest Day #2 ships in November and will be a mini-trade paperback containing three issues of Firestorm along […]
Brightest Day Speculation – What’s Going on with the Nuclear Man?
Warning… the following contains SPOILERS for Blackest Night and Brightest Day #0 – #2. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** Okay, we’re three issues into Brightest Day and we’re starting to get a […]
DC Comics Super Hero Collection #46 – Firestorm Lead Figure
Just this past week DC Comics Superhero Collection Figurine Magazine #46 featuring Firestorm shipped to comic shops across the United States. It’s been out for a while in the UK, but Diamond Comics Distributors just got their copies out a few days ago. This publication includes a figurine of the featured character cast in lead, […]
Firestorm Original Art Extravaganza
Happy New Year, Match-heads! We’re gearing up for the one year anniversary of FIRESTORM FAN with an amazing interview featuring Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! Watch for that in the coming weeks. In the meantime, it’s time for more original Firestorm pages from our friend Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog. He happens to own several […]