Wow! My thanks to everyone who contributed to the recent contest, “What do you like about Firestorm?” Y’all have posted some really inspiring stories about the Nuclear Man! Now it’s time to vote for your favorite six stories shared by your fellow Firestorm fans! We have over 50 entries, so make sure you’ve got some […]
Posts under ‘Firestorm #03: Elemental I (Ron/Mikhail/clone)’
Contest: What do you like about Firestorm?
Hey Match-heads, the FIRESTORM FAN site just turned four years old and we want this birthday party to include you! Tell us why you like the character of Firestorm and you could win prizes in this contest! The rules of the contest are pretty simple… Just share what you like about Firestorm, or a favorite […]
Brimstone is soooooo not a Martian Manhunter rogue!
So the other day I was cruising my buddy Frank’s fantastic blog dedicated to the Martian Manhunter, The Idol-Head of Diabolu. Every so often I like to take pity on ole Frank and visit his site. I figure it brightens his day to get a visitor or two. I mean, c’mon, it’s Martian Manhunter. How […]
Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar, age 14
Check out this sketch of the Elemental Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar (current artist on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men)! A little confused? I can imagine. This sketch of the Elemental Firestorm was done by Yildiray Cinar way back in 1990 when he was only 14 years old! So this qualifies as his first […]
Firestorm Rogues Gallery Cubees
Today we’re looking at more adorable do-it-yourself Cubees designed by Joshua Wolf! This time around he’s focused on several of the Nuclear Man’s rogues! These are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! To get an idea what an assembled Cubee looks like, check out this Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) Cubee. Previously, we’ve […]
Alan Moore Wrote Firestorm
Alan Moore wrote The Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 way back in 1984 featuring the JLA and Firestorm! Yes, Alan Moore, the writer of Watchmen and V for Vendetta, wrote an appearance of Firestorm! I never knew that! I’ve just recently started reading Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run at the behest of my buddy Rob from […]
Yildiray Cinar’s First Pitch for the New 52 Firestorm
A couple weeks ago Yildiray Cinar posted his first pitch for the New 52 Firestorm design. Check out this awesome design below! You can quickly see that his New 52 design was heavily influenced by the Elemental Firestorm. In fact, on Tumblr Cinar said, “Now you know I’m a fan of the elemental version from […]
Pozhar Week: Mikhail’s Fashion Show
We’re continuing Pozhar Week! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. All this week we’ll be looking at different facets of Pozhar! Today we’re examining the various looks of Mikhail Arkadin… When we first met Mikhail Arkadin (the […]
MORE NEWS: More Rumors About Gail Leaving & Firestorm #6 Solicit
Alright match-heads, I know just yesterday I reported that Gail Simone was staying on the Firestorm book. Well… another rumor has popped up that Gail is leaving Firestorm. According to Bleeding Cool, Gail Simone will be leaving The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men in March. That translates to issue #7. As we saw yesterday, […]
John Ostrander’s farewell letter from FIRESTORM #100
The second volume of Firestorm was cancelled at issue #100 during the summer of 1990. I was so bummed when this series ended! I still think the Elemental Firestorm run was an excellently written and drawn batch of comics. Writer John Ostrander published a letter to the fans in the back of issue #100 discussing […]