CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Today several comic-themed websites are teaming-up to remember DC’s “Zero Month”! In 1994 DC Comics published Zero Hour, a five issue mini-series designed to not only serve as a major summer crossover but also fix some of the continuity problems that had emerged since the end of Crisis on Infinite […]
Posts under ‘Extreme Justice’
Scribblenauts Unmasked – Firestorm Family
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure went on sale last week. If you are unfamiliar with the Scribblenauts franchise, it’s a series of puzzle video games by 5th Cell for the WiiU, PC, and Nintendo 3DS. The latest version takes place in the DC Universe and boasts 1,050 heroes and 650 villains. Our buddy Keith G. […]
Firestorm Original Artwork Celebration
It’s time for more original Firestorm artwork from our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog! He happens to own several original Firestorm pages and convention sketches and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here. Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out […]
Firestorm Tattoo based on Steve Lightle art
Check out Richard Patrone’s amazing tattoo of Firestorm based upon Steve Lightle artwork! Richard was kind enough to share this awesome tattoo with us! It’s inked on the upper left-hand portion of his chest. You can see the progression of the tattoo coloring on his Facebook page (and his cool Speedball tattoo too)! Richard mentioned […]
Getting the Wonder Twins Drunk
Believe it or not, Firestorm tried to get the Wonder Twins drunk back in Extreme Justice #15 (April 1996). Poor Zan and Jayna, victims of Ronnie misspent youth… Support Firestorm (perhaps not ever decision he makes, but still support him when you can)! Fan the flame!
Unhappy Valentine’s Day to Plastique and Captain Atom
We’ve got a special Valentine’s Day treat for you today… a crossover! Everybody loves a crossover! Today we’ve teamed up with our good buddy Frank from THE POWER OF THE ATOM blog to examine the self-destructive romance between Plastique and Captain Atom. Read on below for Plastique’s perspective on the relationship. Then head over to […]
Unhappy Valentine’s Day to Firehawk and Booster Gold
We’ve got a special Valentine’s Day treat for you today… a crossover! Everybody loves a crossover! Today we’ve teamed up with our good buddy Walter from BOOSTERRIFIC to discuss the self-destructive romance between Firehawk and Booster Gold. Let’s face it, everyone makes a relationship mistake at some point. You look back years later and […]
How Ronnie Beat Cancer and Got His Powers Back – 1995
Ronnie Raymond lived the life of a normal guy after leaving the Firestorm Elemental matrix in 1990 (Firestorm vol II #100). Then in 1995 Ronnie was diagnosed with an advanced case of Leukemia. The future was looking pretty bleak for Ronnie, but within a few short months his cancer was cured and he got his […]
Hi, My Name is Ronnie Raymond and I’m an Alcoholic
Many Firestorm fans have expressed concerns about Ronnie’s drinking in the current Brightest Day series considering his battle with alcoholism in the mid-1990s. If you examine Brightest Day by itself, I think it’s quite understandable that a college-aged young man who just returned from the dead would enjoy a good drink. However things become a […]