CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Fifteen different blogs have combined forces today to celebrate Animated Anthem Day! We’re featuring opening themes from cartoons involving our favorite DC Comics’ characters! Now before you go checking your local Hallmark shop for Animated Anthem Day cards, the answer is “yes” we made it up. That doesn’t make it […]
Posts under ‘Crossover’
Firestorm in Green Lantern: Circle of Fire
We’ve got a really interesting blogging event going on this week! The stellar Green Lantern-themed blog The Indigo Tribe has recruited several superhero bloggers to assist in covering Green Lantern: Circle of Fire. This fifth-week event from the year 2000 featured two bookend issues, titled Green Lantern: Circle of Fire, and five issues in-between co-starring […]
Firestorm found in Justice League stickers
Whenever I travel on long trips via Interstate 10, I always seem to stop at the same gas station. While there last year I came across some Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos featuring Firestorm. I stopped there again recently and came across the Justice League stickers below, also featuring Firestorm! Crazy! Apparently […]
Unhappy Valentine’s Day to Plastique and Captain Atom
We’ve got a special Valentine’s Day treat for you today… a crossover! Everybody loves a crossover! Today we’ve teamed up with our good buddy Frank from THE POWER OF THE ATOM blog to examine the self-destructive romance between Plastique and Captain Atom. Read on below for Plastique’s perspective on the relationship. Then head over to […]
Blackest Night to Brightest Day: What a Long Strange Trip
Tomorrow will see the release of Brightest Day #24, the final issue in the year-long saga. However, if you really think about it this story began with Blackest Night. Firestorm fans have their fingers crossed that our hero will exit Brightest Day ready to start a new life of adventure with Ronnie and Jason working […]
Firestorm Fan April Fool’s Day Post-Game Report
April Fool’s Day is one of my favorite “holidays”! It’s a time for harmless pranks, surprises, and laughs. Me, I’m a giver. I like to “give” on April Fool’s Day. That’s why visitors to FIRESTORM FAN this past Friday were greeted with an entirely new look for the site… Much to the surprise of everyone, […]
Unhappy Valentine’s Day to Firehawk and Booster Gold
We’ve got a special Valentine’s Day treat for you today… a crossover! Everybody loves a crossover! Today we’ve teamed up with our good buddy Walter from BOOSTERRIFIC to discuss the self-destructive romance between Firehawk and Booster Gold. Let’s face it, everyone makes a relationship mistake at some point. You look back years later and […]
Ringing in the New Year with a Killer Frost Pin-up
Happy New Year’s Eve, match-heads! This past year was a great one here at FIRESTORM FAN, and next year is going to be even better! To close out the year we’re featuring a rarely seen Killer Frost pin-up by John Hanley from the 1996 Rogue’s Gallery painted comic. This issue featured many of the prominent […]