Recently on Facebook, artist CrissCross posted several of his concept drawings for Firestorm. These were done back in 2003 as they worked to develop the look Jason Rusch would eventually debut in Firestorm vol. III (May 2004). You’ll find six versions below that are breathtaking and wildly different from the final design. Click each image to […]
Posts under ‘CrissCross’
Digital Firestorm on sale for Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, Comixology is currently running a sale on the first few issues of Firestorm from 2004! For only $0.99 per issue, you can read the earliest exploits of Jason Rusch by the creative team of Dan Jolley and ChrisCross! Click here to visit Comixology’s site! You better hurry because this […]
Happy Father’s Day to Jason’s Dad!
Happy Father’s Day to Jason Rusch’s dad, Alvin Rusch! … oh, wait… on second thought, maybe not… From Firestorm vol 3 #1 ~ written by Dan Jolley, pencils by ChrisCross, and inks by John Dell Notice Jason’s black eye? Guess who gave that to him… From Firestorm vol 3 #3 ~ written by Dan Jolley, […]
Firestorm Appearance Today in Superman/Batman #84
Firestorm, albeit a bizarre alternate reality incarnation, is set to appear today in Superman/Batman #84. Here is the solicit from DC Comics: Superman must help the JLA of the future – Aquaman, Klarion the Warlock, Traci 13, Stanley and His Monster, Scream Queen and Jason Blood – in preventing Morgaine le Fey from traveling back […]
Nuclear on the Net: Musings on Firestorm
Another little something to get you excited for this Friday’s exclusive interview with John Ostrander here at FIRESTORM FAN! Gary M. Miller, the man behind the Spectacular Spider-Cast, posted two great Firestorm pieces on his blog, I’m Not Really Delusional… Honest! In these posts he covers his discovery of the character, and issues #60-79 written […]
Firestorm Original Art Extravaganza
Happy New Year, Match-heads! We’re gearing up for the one year anniversary of FIRESTORM FAN with an amazing interview featuring Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! Watch for that in the coming weeks. In the meantime, it’s time for more original Firestorm pages from our friend Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog. He happens to own several […]
Firestorm (vol. III) Promotional Poster
This 11″ x 34″ promotional poster was sent to comic shops in April/May 2004. The owner of my local shop (Cosmic Cat Comics and Games) was kind enough to give this to me after the promotion was over. The art on the poster was done by ChrisCross, with the bottom portion of the poster making […]
Nuclear News – 2009.01.29 – JLA, Appearances, Web sites, Martian Manhunter, Creators
Welcome to the second installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Lots of Justice League related news this time around. Trinity #35 just hit the stands yesterday. As I’ve mentioned previously, Firestorm (Jason/Gehenna) has been featured regularly in the Trinity series. I can’t vouch for issue #35 (as I haven’t read it just yet), but Firestorm […]