The eleventh episode of THE POWER RECORDS PODCAST is now available! In this spoooooky episode, hosts Rob Kelly and Chris Franklin discuss two of the scariest audio adventures in the Power Records catalog: Spider-Man in “Mark of the Man-Wolf!” and Dracula in “Terror in the Snow!”
Find the eleventh episode of THE POWER RECORDS PODCAST on iTunes. Each episode is released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may play the podcast using the player below or download right-clicking “download”, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (68 MB).
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Great choices!!! The first appearance of Man-Wolf in Power Records audio awesomeness!! Man this thing had great production value, you guys were spot on, the layering of the audio really resonated well and made the thing sound very well produced. I loved the rain sound effect, at my 2X listening speed, it sounded like that classic “record static” noise, which made a cool addition to the old-timey horror aesthetic of the story. I wonder if the wolf sound effects were done none other by Frank Welker, the animal noise expert himself!
The Dracula story was also fantastic, love just how deep rooted Ms. Van Helsing’s hate for Dracula runs. I’m sure Rob couldn’t resist, after listening to that audio drama between Van Helsing and Dracula, I’m sure he raced off to his TV to pop in his all-time favorite movie, the 2004 Van Helsing film.
I’m going to have to try and track both of these stories down on the cheap.
If you’re looking for a nice little tie-in episode, Back to the Bins did a Man-Wolf themed episode that they released Saturday! I’ve really been enjoying all of the Monster-themed podcasts so far, especially the House of Franklinstein. I’d love if you guys could squeeze out another Horror-Filled episode of Power Record, even if it’s on November 1st, Mexico’s Dia de Muertos runs until November 2nd after all! If not, I’ll patiently wait until next October for more!
Great episode as always, can’t wait to hear what you guys cover next!!!
Until then, drop the needle and turn the page!
Frank Welker DID do some work for Power Records…kinda. He actually voiced his signature character of Fred on a few Scooby-Doo offerings for Peter Pan. So who knows? That may be him.
Listening to that Back to the Bins episode now! Nice uncoordinated “crossover” there between the two shows! Sure…we meant to do that. 😉
I hate to say this…but I think we may have covered all of the horror themed Power Records! Rob knows them better than me. I hope I’m wrong!
E2Chris is right, we’ve covered all the monster records to this point–unless there’s a “Living Mummy” adaptation floating around out there that I’ve never seen. (fingers crossed)
We should do our own! Power Records Theater Presents!
Speaking of the Living Mummy…stay tuned to this week’s episode of Super Mates!