Dragon Con 2015 has been over for two weeks, but I’m just now starting to recover! This was my 14th Dragon Con and I was stunned by all the love for Firestorm this year!
Robbie Amell (who portrays Ronnie Raymond & Firestorm on CW’s The Flash) was a guest at the con this year! On Friday, I caught the panel he shared with John Wesley Shipp. They had great chemistry, making for a fun hour! Then, I was fortunate to meet Robbie himself! It was a quick photo-op, but he took the time to compliment my shirt!
Next, I visited with Robbie at “The Walk of Fame” and got his autograph. We had the opportunity to chat one-on-one for a few minutes. I mentioned FIRESTORM FAN.com and he expressed his appreciation to all the Firestorm fans for their support! Such a nice guy!
On Saturday afternoon, I visited with Danielle Panabaker (who portrays Caitlin Snow, and someday Killer Frost, on CW’s The Flash)! Such a nice lady!! We chatted one-on-one for a few minutes about my nine-year-old daughter who idolizes her character. Later that night, Danielle sent me a thoughtful Tweet suggesting I bring my daughter to meet her next time!
To be completely honest, that Tweet was the highlight of the entire convention for me. My kids mean everything to me. Seven hours later, and after meeting hundreds of other folks that day, Danielle still remembered my daughter’s name and took the time to send a message about her. I can’t express how happy that made me! Such a fantastic lady!! When I told my daughter she was absolutely ecstatic!
While waiting in line for Robbie Amell, I met Firestorm cosplayer John Penland! John built this replica of the quantum splicer himself, using some direction from folks working on the actual show! Later in the convention, John gave his replica splicer to Robbie Amell! Very thoughtful gift! Be sure to check out John’s cosplay page over on Facebook!
Later I met Killer Frost cosplayer Brandy Gibson! She was cosplaying Killer Frost as the character appeared on the animated DVD, Batman: Assault on Arkham! Follow Brandy’s cosplay over on Facebook!
Finally, I came across this unique Firestorm cosplay, seen here with Vixen! His uniform is an interesting design that I don’t recognize. There is a hint of Superman’s “S Shield” behind the atomic insignia. Fascinating outfit! I didn’t catch the gentleman’s name, so if anyone can identify this person (or the origin of his costume) please let me know!
UPDATE: Our mysterious Firestorm cosplayer has been identified as Larry Mccalister! Thanks to my buddy, Charles D. Allen for making the identification!
While this might not seem like an overwhelming amount of Firestorm, it’s about 1,000% more than I usually find at Dragon Con!
Really enjoyed meeting all these folks! My thanks to them for making this Firestorm Fan feel welcome!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Very cool, sir. I watched the panel on YouTube and loved Mr. Amell’s demonstration of the Firestorm-cum-Snagglepuss takeoff…
And Ms. Panabaker was a sweet lady indeed. Did she actually see the picture of your daughter as Dr. Snow?
Hi Xum! Yes, I shared with Danielle a picture of my daughter dressed as Dr Caitlin Snow from Free Comic Book Day.
Very cool, Shag. Have you ever met Victor Garber? If not, I’m guessing that’s next on your bucket list.
I enjoyed reading about the wonderful time you had at DragonCon. The photos are great! And It is terrific when the stars are kind and thoughtful.
[…] me. In interviews and face-to-face, she comes across as a really wonderful and intelligent woman. My own experience meeting her was a complete joy! If you’d like to watch Panabaker’s segment on The Talk, click […]