I’ve been a tremendous fan of DC Comics’ Who’s Who since 1985 (as evidenced by the WHO’S WHO PODCAST), but never imagined I’d actually be featured in a Who’s Who-like entry! Check out the Who’s Who custom page below compiled and drawn by the amazingly talented Xum Yukinori, featuring text by my good buddy Michael Bailey! Click the image to enlarge!
So cleverly done, with so many in-jokes too! I’m am flattered and completely humbled by the guys putting this together for me. THANK YOU, XUM & MICHAEL!
You can keep up with Xum on his website and on Twitter; while you can keep up with Michael on his website and Twitter.
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Cool! I just found this Who’s Who issue in the $1.00 bin. What a deal!
Saw this on the Facebook page but had to mention again how awesome this is. Such a terrific job by Xum Yukinori and Michael Bailey!
Xum continues his push for an entire issue’s (dare I say series) worth of this kind of awesomeness. I know I would only warrant a half page entry, but it would be great to see him do the whole cast of characters.