In addition to loving Firestorm, I also love the classic Blue Devil series! One of my all-time favorite Blue Devil covers features (not surprisingly) Firestorm! Check out below this gorgeous piece by Paris Cullins and Gary Martin! You get the sense Cullins was channeling Jack “The King” Kirby with the figures, hands, and all the Kirby-Krackle! Love it!
In case you missed it, the latest episode of the FIRE & WATER PODCAST is all about Blue Devil’s first appearance in the 16-page free preview inside Fury of Firestorm #24! Had a blast recording this episode with Diabolu Frank. Hope you enjoy it!
Support Firestorm (and Blue Devil)! Fan the flame!

Yay Blue Devil! I love this character! I met Paris Cullins a few years back and man did he have fond memories of this series. He is one hilarious, fun dude, and that really shines through on his work on this series. I am still kicking myself for not getting a Blue Devil sketch from him that day, but all of my money went to Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
You know what, it seems like you and Rob aren’t busy enough already, how about another regular feature, or a show on its own, dedicated to covering the exploits of say Blue Devil and the Outsiders. Rob brings in his love for Batman & the Outsiders and Shag you get to talk more about the adventures of Blue Devil, and then us listerners get an audio win. Since you guys have so much free time on your hands you should get on that.
It’s always great to have Frank guest and talk about DC. It’s a real special treat to get to hear Frank talk without also having to listen to his partner-in-crime, Mac chime in with blatantly wrong opinions on everything.
Great Episode, I hope there’s more Blue Devil and Frank in the future!
In the meantime, Fan the Flame and Dance with the (Blue) Devil in the Pale Moonlight.
Whoops posted the comment on the wrong post!
I agree with Shag that this much-anticipated crossover missed the mark and was not all it could’ve been.