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The 113th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
This week Shag and special guest Diablo Frank discuss one of their favorite characters, Blue Devil, with an in-depth look at his first appearance in the 16-page free preview from The Fury of Firestorm #24!
You can find the 113th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (47 MB).
Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by InStockTrades.com!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content?
- Listen to Shag’s Gary Cohn/Dan Mishkin Interview – http://wp.me/ppKmy-ih
- Read the Original Blue Devil proposal – http://wp.me/ppKmy-V5
- Send us an e-mail: firewaterpodcast@comcast.net
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The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man vol II #24, Blue Devil 16-Page Free Preview “cover” by Paris Cullins and Pablo Marcos! Click to enlarge!
Here is the sneak peek Blue Devil #1! Click to enlarge!
Thanks for listening! Support Firestorm and Aquaman (and Blue Devil)! Fan the Flame, Ride the Wave, and Hang on to the Trident!

Nice show fellas. I’ve never been a huge Blue Devil fan, but I’ve admired him and his adventures from afar. If I’d just got in on the ground floor when issue #1 hit, I’m sure I would have been hooked. Not really sure why I didn’t get into it. I guess I was too much of a “big guns” snob back then to get a new guy a try.
Terrific outing for the all-new FIRE & BRIMSTONE PODCAST!
[…] case you missed it, the latest episode of the FIRE & WATER PODCAST is all about Blue Devil’s first appearance in t…! Had a blast recording this episode with Diabolu Frank. Hope you enjoy […]
Yay Blue Devil! I love this character! I met Paris Cullins a few years back and man did he have fond memories of this series. He is one hilarious, fun dude, and that really shines through on his work on this series. I am still kicking myself for not getting a Blue Devil sketch from him that day, but all of my money went to Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
You know what, it seems like you and Rob aren’t busy enough already, how about another regular feature, or a show on its own, dedicated to covering the exploits of say Blue Devil and the Outsiders. Rob brings in his love for Batman & the Outsiders and Shag you get to talk more about the adventures of Blue Devil, and then us listerners get an audio win. Since you guys have so much free time on your hands you should get on that.
It’s always great to have Frank guest and talk about DC. It’s a real special treat to get to hear Frank talk without also having to listen to his partner-in-crime, Mac chime in with blatantly wrong opinions on everything.
Great Episode, I hope there’s more Blue Devil and Frank in the future!
In the meantime, Fan the Flame and Dance with the (Blue) Devil in the Pale Moonlight.
I enjoyed Blue Devil straight through to the end, but, yes, that first Annual was the high point, one of my favorite comics from that year and thus, from all time, because that year was 1985, and that was quite the year for comics in general. (1980’s DC humor books represent, at this point, some of the best currently-uncollected material in their back catalog. Early Blue Devil, the three Foglio minserieses…)
So Rob is off doing restoration work on the Sistine Chapel. I just want to warn him that contrary to popular opinion, Michelangelo did not paint the ceiling while laying down. He stood on the scaffolding with his head turned up to the ceiling and later suffered from related problems for much of the rest of his life. So, take care Rob!
I’ve always liked the visuals of Blue Devil (original version). I was there at the beginning but can’t recall when I stopped buying the book. I don’t think I missed too many issues back then. All the fun ran out on the character though when he got that candle from Neron
Fun, informative podcast with much appreciated umm umm editing.
With Mark Hamill as The Trickster and the rest of the cast of the ’90s CBS TV show turning up on the CW one, it makes me wonder if Blue Devil might have turned up had the old show made it past the first season. I’m thinking Greg Evigan as Dan Cassidy.
I missed buying a Blue Devil action figure at the department store a few years ago, but I did just recently pick up a Death’s Head at the grocery store, so I feel like I’m getting closer to cosmic rightness.