Firestorm back-up feature appearing in The Flash mentioned in the Daily Planet! … Well, it was mentioned back in 1980.
During the Bronze Age, each issue of DC Comics contained an in-house promotional page called “Daily Planet”. The modern equivalent would be the Channel 52 strips or the DC Comics All Access pages. Typical Daily Planet editions included information on upcoming releases or feature articles. The June 1980 edition discussed a price increase from 40 cents to 50 cents, but promised in exchange an increase of 8 pages of story. Firestorm was identified as, “.. one of the most often requested heroes of recent years ..”! Represent! The article mentioned Firestorm will begin appearing in The Flash with stories by Gerry Conway and George Perez. Nice! Click the image below to enlarge.
Love reading about all those back-up strips! That was also a nice piece on Dick Giordano. In addition to all those things mentioned, Dick was also the inker on many covers from Firestorm vol 2!
My thanks to our buddy Anj from the Supergirl blog for sending this my way!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

That page got me so excited. I loved the Daily Planet anyway, I even had two questions answer by Bob Rozakis.
Have those Adam Strange adventures ever been collected? I doubt the GL comics are easy to find, but color me curious about the Strange adventures!
I’m pretty sure they haven’t been, Doug. They were fun shorts by the likes of Jack C Harris and Laurie Sutton writing, and Carmine Infantino and Rodin Rodrigues on art. My favourite was Alanna’s New York Adventure.