URGENT ACTION NEEDED BY FIRESTORM FANS! Vote for Firestorm action figure! Voting ends today! Then spread the word!
My thanks to Match-heads Karl Gertsakis and Steve Lundy for the heads-up!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Thanks, I never knew about this poll. I did indeed vote for someone beginning with F ….
I voted for your favorite hot-head. No Captain Atom on the list. Guess he’s been abandoned by DC.
i wrote in ambush bug…..bwahahahahahahaha
I am very bemused by the fact that there is a DC Collectibles New 52 Hawkman toy coming in the fall, when we already have a New 52 style Hawkman figure released under the DCUC label. Very interesting-k.
Voted for Firestorm. Good luck!
No Blue Beetle listed…so I voted Firestorm!
Cool I voted for best nuclear man there is Firestorm
I see a theme: “My favorite hero isn’t an option, so I lent my vote to Firestorm.” Well, me too.
Vote early and often. Firestorm faces an uphill battle in the electoral college.
I wonder if we could petition for a “Blue and Gold” two-pack?
I supposed I could have voted for Black Canary, but that would feel too mud like supporting the New 52 version of the character. I can’t do that. The Earth 2 Doctor Fate was tempting, but I went with Firestorm to support the team.
I voted for Firestorm (multiple times of course). I also put it on my Facebook and several friends went and voted for him too.
Go Flamehead!
Hey Match-heads! DC announced the top three winners of the poll. We didn’t rank, but thank you for trying! You Match-heads really mobilized!!