A couple weeks ago, this Match-head was spotted at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2)! It’s rare we find someone cosplaying our favorite Nuclear Man, so our hats off to this guy! I’m interested to hear what the flaming hair was made from. Is that paper? And dang, that dude is tall!! Click the image to enlarge.
Below is a DC cosplaying group shot from C2E2! You can spot Firestorm up in the back. Clearly he’s not too upset about the cancellation of his ongoing series. … Hey, wait a minute… curse Wanda and her probability manipulation powers — she’s crossed over to the DC universe! Click the image to enlarge.
My thanks to Christopher Chance and Rob Kelly for the heads-up about this cosplayer!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

I am sorry Shagg, but these cosplay pics scare me.
I saw him there and several of those cosplayers at C2E2.