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Favorite Covers: The Fury of Firestorm #37

One of the more fun covers from Firestorm’s long history! The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #37 cover art by Rafael Kayanan! Super-fun!

Plus, I thought this level of silliness was appropriate given yesterday’s April Fool’s Day prank episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST.  … You did realize that entire podcast was a prank, right?

Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #37 cover by Rafael Kayanan

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  1. FKAjason says:

    Wait, that was a prank?!?! Oh man, I had a new favorite podcast, too…

    Seriously, Justice League of America’s Vibe is actually pretty good.

  2. Keith Samra says:

    This is one favourite of my Firestorm covers. Beautifully rendered by Rafael Kayanan.
    Im with FKAjason. Keep doing the Vibe/JLA episodes. Loads of fun!

  3. Spinks says:

    Hands down! This cover is great! One of my favorites ever.

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