It’s time for more original Firestorm artwork from our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog! He happens to own several original Firestorm pages and convention sketches and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here. Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out to him! I’ve been terribly remiss in publishing his more recent acquisitions, so hopefully we’ll make up for some lost time here. You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.
We’ll start with three pages from the classic Fury of Firestorm #36 featuring Plastique, Firehawk, and our favorite Nuclear Man by Rafael Kayanan and Alan Kupperberg!
Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 16 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.
Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 19 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.
Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 20 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.
Next up are three pages from Firestorm v3 featuring Jason, his best friend Mick, and an O.M.A.C. by Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby!
Firestorm v3 #18 page 12 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.
Firestorm v3 page 17 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.
Firestorm v3 #18 page 19 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.
And finally, something interesting that I just had to call…
Below you’ll find several versions of Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch. First up is a straightforward pencil and ink drawing of the page. Click to enlarge.
This next one is also pencil and ink, but notice Firestorm’s hair is missing in the parts I circled. More on that in the next image.
Below is an overlay for this page featuring Firestorm’s hair (see how they match up with the image above). These were used to distinguish a specific color. After checking out this image, scroll down to see the final comic page. You’ll see how the flames below are colored red in the finished comic, rather than the usual black ink.
Below are the computer readouts for each character from this page. Presumably the creators used a computer printer to generate these fonts then added them afterwards.
Finally, here is how it all came together. Notice Firestorm’s red hair (instead of black lines), and the computer type on the middle images. Seems like a lot of effort just to produce one page! … Especially a page of Extreme Justice. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Easy target.
Thanks again to our good buddy Jon of the Firestorm-themed FIZZIT blog for letting us publish the artwork he purchased! Be sure to check out Jon’s awesome Firestorm original art collection!
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I approve of your Extreme Justice joke 😉
I can’t help but feel that EXTREME JUSTICE would fit in just fine in the New 52.
I feel as though I am the only one who enjoyed/still enjoys Extreme Justice… Maybe it was the inclusion of Firestorm on the team… And the attempt to bring the Wonder Twins into the DCU proper at that point… I don’t know… I still have fond memories, and still enjoy the read through of the 19 issues (including #0) every so often…
You’re not alone, DrNobody. I’m a big fan of the series, which I think did a great job of exploring characterization in a way that nothing today can compare to. However, it is undeniable that the art is so — shall we compromise on the phrase “avant-garde”? — that the series can be a very frustrating read.