Hey Match-heads, the FIRESTORM FAN site just turned four years old and we want this birthday party to include you! Tell us why you like the character of Firestorm and you could win prizes in this contest!
The rules of the contest are pretty simple… Just share what you like about Firestorm, or a favorite memory involving the Nuclear Man. Write these thoughts in the comments section of this post or e-mail them directly to me by clicking here. You can discuss any era/incarnation of the character, or any series where he appeared (i.e. Fury of Firestorm, Justice League of America, Brightest Day, Super Friends cartoon, etc). The only restriction is haters need not apply. If you’ve got a bone to pick with a particular incarnation of Firestorm, this isn’t the place. This is a celebration of Firestorm, so let’s keep it positive! The contest will run until 10pm EST on Sunday, February 17th. So be sure to get your entries in before then. One entry per person please. Once the contest closes on February 17, we’ll collect all the entries and set them up as a poll to be voted on by readers, and the top-rated five will win!
We’ve got some great prizes! Check these out:
- An original art page drawn by Dan Jurgens and Ray McCarthy from the recent The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #13 (courtesy of Ray McCarthy)
- Firestorm: The Nuclear Man trade paperback signed by writer and co-creator Gerry Conway
- The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #11 & #12 signed by inker Marlo Alquiza (courtesy of Jeremy Hobbs)
- The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men Volume 1: God Particle trade paperback
- Brightest Day Firestorm action figure (courtesy of Mail Me My Comics)
Yes, you read that correctly! We’re giving away an original page from Dan Jurgens and Ray McCarthy’s premier issue of Firestorm! How cool is that?!?!?!
My thanks to Ray McCarthy, Jeremy Hobbs, and Mail Me My Comics for donating prizes. Also, my thanks to Speed Force, the Flash blog, for inspiring this contest!
Tell us why you Support Firestorm! Share why you Fan the flame!
UPDATE: Vote for your favorite six entries from the contest!

Firestorm was the first Fused character. Youthful body, with the mind (Dr. Stein) for guidance. Plus His Hair is Fire! Love his powers!
One of my favorite parts of the books was he had some Cool Bad guys – Killer Frost, Plastic, MultiPlex to name a few. I remember a battle in Central Park with the Alice in Wonderland statues that came to life! How cool was that?
Oh, & who can forget Firehawk, Yes sir She’s Hot! Blue Fire Wings, Yes Please!
Firestorm has Always had Great Artist, Writers & most of all Die Hard Match Head Fans!
I just always liked the idea of a young kid being a superhero, having fun and having his mentor/father figure inside his head offering him advice. There was always something funny about the other heroes only hearing half of Ronnie’s conversations with Prof. Stein.
Plus, the Firestorm costume (the original and the current one) is something that I think works really well in comic books to attract the attention of new/young readers who might get a kick out of a superhero with his head on fire.
When I was a small child I didn’t have a lot of action figures, or other toys for that matter, but it didn’t matter to me I always had my firestorm toy and never missed his cartoon. When I got older I realized there was even more firestorm for me to consume. Firestorm is the character that led me to the fabulous world of comics and professor stein may be part of the reason I have such a love for science. It’s hard to put my finger on one reason why I like firestorm, but he has always been my favorite in every version they have given me.
The concept of Firestorm ages alongside its fans. Kids can enjoy the power and wish fulfillment. Teens relate to the responsibilities and frustrations of change. Older folks understand what it’s like to be on the sidelines, offering advice and helping as it can but needing to step back and let the next generation find its way.
Firestorm captured my imagination as a 5 year old immigrant, he was bright, colorful, he had that cool atomic symbol that would pop up everywhere, he had flames on his head! and craziest of all, he was 2 people! At that age I was 2 people, this little kid that had my fluent foreign language in my head and this other kid that was almost mute because he didn’t understand English in a very tough Brooklyn neighborhood. I learned to read English via the Outsiders, Teen Titans and Firestorm comics (and Sesame Street!).
As I became a teenager I’d forgotten all about him until I saw an issue at the comic book store with the elemental Firestorm, he’d evolved and grown just like me! I’ve been hooked ever since, years later my first tattoo was a Firestorm tribute, an atom on my shoulder.
I can’t believe that i’m going to admit this, but the very first comic i ever bought was the JLA annual that introduced the JLD. I think it had something to do with me recognizing the super friends from the cartoon on the cover or something…
that is what got me started reading comics.
Now a few months later, I walked into a book store in the mall, and this is when they had a huge bookcase filled of that months comics. It was a like a whole new world has opened up to me.
While looking for that new comic to discover, this one grabbed my eye. It was filled with flames, and some crazy guy with his head on fire and some crazy yellow and red costume. I flipped through the book for a minute and I was hooked from that day.
Now thinking about it more, I probably like the book cause I wanted to be like Ronnie. We were both in high school, but that’s where those similarities end. I didn’t have the hot blonde girlfriend, the hot girl that also turned into fire, I wasn’t the star QB of my football team, I wasn’t strong enough to beat up the school bully. So maybe that’s why I loved this book, Ronnie was the person I wanted to be.
Three Firsts and a Favorite for Firestorm
My first exposure to Firestorm was through the SUPER FRIENDS cartoon and the SUPER POWERS toys. I thought the character design with the puffy sleeves and fiery hair was crazy in a fun but kind of goofy way (whereas Robin and Hawkman’s costumes made total sense). Because I associated Firestorm with the later characters in that line, I erroneously believed that Firestorm was a Jack Kirby creation, possibly a Fourth World character. The design on his torso, the heavy black shading around his eyes, the look of the fiery energy radiating from his crown; to me, it all looked like something from the New Gods. I wouldn’t discover the truth about Firestorm’s creators until years later when I heard a podcast interview with Gerry Conway. (In fact, I think it may have been you, Shag, who posted the interview on the old Newsarama message boards. That’s what led me to the Firestorm Fan website, which led me to the Aquaman Shrine, Being Carter Hall, and Martian Head of Idolbulu… which led me to starting my own Black Canary Blog… which led me to the awful truth about my parents.)
The first time I actually read Firestorm in a comic was Ronnie Raymond’s death in IDENTITY CRISIS. I imagine longtime fans of the character were un-thrilled by this development, but when I read his line about telling the professor and his father goodbye as he flew off to die alone, I really felt the shock and the tragedy of the scene. I didn’t know who Ronnie’s father was, or who the Professor was, but I wanted to. And the more I learned about the character the more I grew to like him.
This Christmas, my friend Paul (he lives in Canada, you don’t know him) got me a copy of FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #1 (1978). He knows my love of comics and he knows I have a rhino-load of trades and hardcovers, so he searches back-issue bins for random books he thinks might have slipped under my radar. That’s how I end up with a GUY GARDNER: WARRIOR #0 and an UNKNOWN SOLDIER FEATURING THE HAUNTED TANK. Of course, I’d read the original Firestorm series, but only digitally. This debut issue is the only floppy copy of Firestorm I have ever owned.
My favorite Firestorm moment is the four-page foldout splash in BLACKEST NIGHT #8 when Ronnie is resurrected in a new Firestorm merged with Jason Rusch. That image with Firestorm standing beside Aquaman, Hawkman & Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter–all some of my favorites–that was such a gratifying image. There was so much potential for Firestorm and the others upon their return. And I have to say, I love the Ronnie/Jason matchup as Firestorm. I like Professor Stein, too, but I like Ronnie and Jason more. This version of the character might be the only legacy character from DC that I prefer to the original.
Congratulations on four years, Shag!
(This isn’t a contest entry, it’s just a bandwagon comment. No one else is going to like the part of Firestorm’s adventures that I like best, so I felt I should speak up.)
I first met Ronnie as Firestorm on SUPER FRIENDS, and I thought he struggled too hard to be “cool.” HAPPY DAYS’ Fonzie had proven to me that cool wasn’t something that you chased. Cool was a zen state, something that came to you when weren’t trying. Therefore, for years, I actively disliked Ronnie who I considered the weak half of the Raymond/Stein combo.
In the mid-90s, Ronnie was apparently dying from a rare cancer (an advanced leukemia) that, it was implied, he gained from exposure to the radioactivity of the Firestorm Matrix. For the first time, I considered Ronnie as a human being and not a super hero. Abandoned by Professor Stein, Ronnie was scared and alone and out of his depth. Despite my previous ambivalence, I felt sorry for Ronnie. After all, he had been a member of the Justice League, and now he had been abandoned by his super-powered cronies to a slow death by leukemia. With friends like those, who needs an awesome rogues gallery?
Fortunately for Ronnie, he found a friend in Booster Gold’s sidekick Skeets. Skeets accompanied Ronnie through the worst times, always in search of a cure for his impossible disease. Ultimately, Ronnie avoided a demise thanks to the timely intervention of his “better half,” Martin Stein. Although Ronnie eventually abandoned Skeets in favor of a self-serving career as an alcoholic model — not that I blame him: the early 1990s in the DC Universe led everyone temporarily astray (remember Superman’s mullet?) — for awhile there I thought he was a pretty righteous dude.
Boosterrific I just have to correct you on something in your post my good sir. Superman never had a mullet, his hair had grown out and was just long… Though there were some lackluster artists that could’nt figure out how to draw that.
The Firestorm series was the first comic book series that I started collecting as a teen in the mid-80’s, long before I really started collecting comics in college in the early 90’s. Before that time I sporadically bought a Batman or Superman issue in the late 70’s and early 80’s. If memory serves correctly, I have Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show to thank for introducing me to Firestorm first in 1984. It was that show that go me interested in the character so I went out and bought an issue off the comic book wire-frame rack at the local gas station with my allowance. I think the first issue of Firestorm I bought was #32 with guest The Phantom Stranger. After that I was hooked. I went to all the flea markets in my area of Florida to try to find all the back issues of Firestorm I could find (I wasn’t aware of nor do I think we had a comic book store in my town at the time). It was then that I was able to pick up the first 5 issue of the first volume and earlier issues from the second volume. So, I can firmly state that it was Firestorm that got me into collecting comic books.
I first encountered Firestorm in the pages of the JLA in the early 80s and in the back of Flash comics. He was so powerful, so cool and funny and yet also so naive and young and foolish. I think it was because I was young that I connected with him. When he was awed from first seeing Superman, I knew that would have been exactly how I would have reacted too. When he laughed, overjoyed at being able to fly through the clouds, I could completely understand him wanting to do that.
I also thought he brought a very much needed light-hearted component to an old school, very serious JLA roster. Every group needs their wise-cracker and every wise-cracker needs a wise mentor. Firestorm had a full gang of them.
I particularly liked the team-up in a Flash issue where they battled the Atomic Skull. Flash was in serious trouble, Firestorm became intoxicated from absorbing too much energy and the Flash expertly pulled his strings to save the day. The two of them walking away arm-in-arm was just a watershed scene for me. Amateur and veteran teaming up to save the day – it was perfect.
And here we are some 30 years later. Ronnie’s the same young age, unsure of his powers, sharing a body with a wiser mind and may potentially benefit again from a good supporting team.
Things are exactly as they should be.
My first memory of Firestorm was in a crossover between JLA and JSA. Drawn by George Perez and he looked like anything I have seen before. But it wasn’t his costume or his powers. It was his whole attitude. He was young, irresponsable and reckless and I thought that HE was the perfect response to Marvel’s Spiderman (in my country it was all about DC so I just discovered the wall crawler a couple of years before.
Firestorm is the best DC character because at that time he didn’t took things as serious as others like Batman or GL. I know it sound.like a cliche but it is the truth: you could relate to him….
I like Firestorm’s dynamic visual look. As a kid, I remember vividly both seeing Firestorm on Super Friends as well as my brother’s Super Powers Firestorm toy. I didn’t really understand his powers, or why there was a transparent floaty head with him all the time, but I always loved the way he looked. Bright yellow and red, with the flaming hair… even the poofy sleeves were neat in that it was a unique look. Especially compaed to the other Super Powers and Secret Wars toys, he really stood out just beause of the details.
I’ve never consistantly read Firestorm over the years, but I have always thought, every time I saw him, “Man, that is one good looking superhero.”
Wow! What’s NOT to like about Firestorm. Hands down, he’s the coolest and baddest looking super-hero around. What got me hooked was issue #2 of the 2nd series – written by super-genius Gerry Conway and drawn by legendary artist extrodinaire Pat Broderick!! Mr. Conway was introducing a new villian, Black Bison: “For I am Black Bison! Last defender of a nation too proud to die!” Way too cool. What really grabbed me was Mr. Broderick’s visuals in those early pages. Firestorm, on hand at Central Park trying to rescue a woman from the clutches of Black Bison, has a no holds bar fight with said villian. Only Black Bison animates the characters from an Alice in Wonderland statue and commands them to attack Firestorm. That art still resonnates in my head today. So much so, that later that year our school went on New York City Band Trip (we got to play in Central Park) and I discovered that the Alice in Wonderland statue was real!!! I yelled out loud – “Heh, that’s from Firestorm” – which led to many people wondering what the heck I was talking about. That statue was the first place I kissed a girl (on that same trip) and then later on in life was where I proposed to my wife (she said yes!) and then took my first child there to see it. All because of Firestorm (and Mr’s Conway and Broderick).
The dynamic in a Brightest Day turned this character into one I previously thought lack depth for the average comic book fan. Can I give you a lengthy history of why I love Firestorm – no. Turning Gehenna into table salt was hard to fathom from Jason’s perspective, but being forced into the same body with her murderer (knowing or not) gave Firestorm a level of emotional conflict that made me want to read older books I have with an eye toward the way Firestorm is portrayed outside of the Blackest/Brightest story arc. Great character.
I found firestorm in the 70 s and credit it for helping me learn how to read as well as fostering a life
Long fascination with nuclear power. I grew up 20 miles from three mile island. Firestorm was great because when you were Acting out scenes from the comics with action figures I always got to be the professor..
I wish they finally let firestorm hit his full potential rather than make him a teen over and over again.. He has the power to destroy the world with a thought yet all he does is make flyswatters.
Give me older wiser unlimited power firestorm for a few issues
But now that the axe has fallen I want to start a kick starter to buy the rights of publishing from dc and do firestorm right
So this one is a little personal for me but what is the internet for if not to share your secrets! When I was growing up I was always teased because of the colour of my hair (red head) and was called every kind of redheaded joke you could think of. Fire this, fire that. I eventually started collecting comic in 2001 when i was 11and I had no idea who should be my “favorite” superhero. I had done some research and found this comic book character, and not just a character but a super hero who not only was a red headed teenager but when he became his super powered alter ego was sporting a bright flame from his head. It was very clear that this was the super hero for me, not only did he share traits that I had but it was never an issue brought forward and it was seen as a powerful trait. I had never considered my hair to have any powerful meaning behind it but for me to read a comic about a super hero who had a flaming head of hair made me feel better about my hair, less ashamed and eventually i was able to get over this and i feel a large part of it had to do with the fact that sure I may have been teased that day at school but when i got home i could read all about firestorm fighting the likes of killer frost and multiplex and even slipnot. and i just felt that it as enough to help me hold my head up high. When frestorm finally got his first ongoing series in my lifetime with jason i was thrilled he was back in his own monthy book and i could go out and collect new stories about the nuclear man (up untill this point i had been reading the original run and had all but memorized his adventures). I guess what i am trying to say that in a way firestorm actually helped me in my real life, and he has been my favorite super hero ever since. sorry for the long post but i just felt it needed to be said, and what better place to say it then a place where firestorm is adored by so many others.
thanks shagg for the chance to say this!
I love ol’ Match Head. Probably because he has been in my life since the 70s. Firestorm was the 1st comic that I actively collected, never missing an issue since the very 1st one in 1978, and that was just a fluke. My dad and I went for a walk to the store, I saw the cover and was in love. My old man was a tightfisted SOB but he could see the need in my eyes and it touched him…actually I threw a fit until he agreed to pay the ransom of $0.35 to silence my embarrassing histrionics. I have been collecting 1st run issues for 34 years man! Firestorm has always been there for me in one incarnation or another, whether it be in the back pages of Flash, a member of the JLA, a plastic static-fire-headed cartoon on Guardians of the Galaxy, or padding out crap like Extreme Justice where everyone had a Shagariffic ponytail!
Much like me Firestorm is awesome. We grew up together like old pals, Christopher Robin and a flammable nuclear Pooh. We evolved together, although I finished highschool before he did. I could relate to him being the single most powerful being in the DCU but not being recognized as such. He went up against Supes and cleaned his clock. There is not another hero as powerful yet as grounded as Firestorm. I stuck by my Fusionboy Crush even when he was a russkie…the art was terrible but the stories were great. Firestorm could have been a one trick pony, but he grew and always gave us something new, whether it be becoming an Elemental, the Firestorm Matrix, or surviving leukemia just to die and be resurrected. He was a fringe character that deserved center stage.
My fave panel? Fury of Firestorm Vol 2 # 14 “Ever Have One of Those Days?” the mighty combo of Giordano, Conway, and Broderick, up against the awesome looking Enforcer and he calls him Trash Can Mouth, then recognizes how lame that was. That’s why I love him. He was flawed. He was human. He was me.
I think Firestorm has the coolest costume in all of DC Comics. Pre-Flashpoint, I loved his baggy sleeves and shoulder spikes, and now with the New 52, I love his updated, sleeker look. His costume is just insanely radical and I love it.
I also love the whole concept of how his character works; two people in one body so incredibly different from other heroes. I was pretty disappointed when I read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 in 2011 because Ronnie and Jason were two separate entities (that, and the fact that Ronnie never knew Professor Stein). But when DC finally corrected this mistake with #0, I couldn’t have been happier.
Of course, his (their?) powers are spectacular. Turning things into other things? That’s awesome.
I think Firestorm really shined in Brightest Day. Their parts of the story were the most captivating, in my opinion. And Deathstorm was one of the most badass villains ever (especially when he created the gun but not the bullet. That made me love him and hate him like no other).
I was a fan of Firestorm since I was a Kid. I lost track over the years until recently. My uncle bought the comics at the time & I read them. It was during when Prof Stein went solo is the last I remember. I checked out Wikipedia to catch up what I missed. When they started the New 52. I was hoping to check it out again. Recently I bought a couple on line comics. I think what really hurt the comic & I was bummed out is just in the 1st couple comic is how many times The writers used God’s name in Vain in Ronny’s character. In the past there wasn’t much cussing or no cussing at the time. Ronny (Firestorm) was My 2nd favorite character as a kid. #1 was Cyborg of the Titans. It was Awesome to see them both in the Galatic Guardians series on TV. Even if They cancel the individual comic They canceled. I have to double Check I think They are moving Firestorm To the Justice League.
Firestorm was part the 80’s Superfriends/Super Powers cartoon and if you were a kid back then, that made him instantly cool to follow… and even if you weren’t born then, if you hanged with the older kids in your family or within your neighbours (like myself), they would let you know what’s-what and point into a rerun of the show.
I remember Firestorm being one of the first action figures I asked my parents to buy for me, and since it was at a time that wasn’t a birthday or a holiday, with my folks you had to earn it with grades (yes, being a nerd pays at times, honest!), which I did and proceed to play the hell/paint job out of it.
Needless to say he was part of the most weird and incredible situations a kid can come up with: from hero, to villain to a whole new character, you name it ~ and he being a 2-in-1 character? genius!, even by himself he had Prof. Stein to share his knowledge (or what at the time I thought was being “smart”) on never ending quest to explore the house I grew up with, the car rides to visit our relatives or during vacations.
Those good memories never left, and through all the versions of the character, I’ve been there for Firestorm, I still owe him and paying back has never been more awesome.
My favorite things about Firestorm is 1. how divers a character he is. He’s open to anything really and I think his runs prove that. 2. He’s just damn fun! Whether its the current version which I’m really enjoying or the multiple protocols that were introduced. 3. Jerry Conway since I’ve heard the Views interview I’ve been a fan of him as a person and though I’ve not had a chance to read a lot of his stuff I’m excited too. 4 he makes a damn good action figure. I only have the DC classic one and I love it and when I get to put my stuff out again he will have a spot on my JLA. I hope to get the Brightest Day one soon. 5. I’m looking forward to him being on the Justice League I think he’s going kick ass! Keep all that in mind sir because thanks to you and just how great a character he is there is another matchhead for life. R.I.P. Firestorm we wish you a speedy resurrection.
Not an entry, just a story.
Firestorm actually brought me back to comics.
I grew up in the time when comics were bought off spinner racks at convenience stores. And in the summer of 1982,at the age of 12, I was making some modest money mowing lawns and doing odd jobs. I could collect things monthly and Fury of Firestorm was one of my first monthly titles.
Around Firestorm #20, the 7-11 down the block stopped carrying comics and that was that. I assumed the comic part of my life was over. I had no way to get books anymore. I stopped collecting!
And remained without new comics for just over a year. My brother was in law school and took the train home for the summer. At the train station he saw Firestorm #34. He knew I liked Firestorm and bought it for me on a whim. It had a great cover with Firestorm being crushed under ice. It had my favorite Firestorm villain, Killer Frost. I read it and reread it and reread it.
And then it was like this joy in my life was rekindled to the point that I couldn’t not go back to ‘not collecting’. In fact, I started to make my siblings and parents drive me to this new-fangled thing … a comic book store … every couple of weeks so I could buy the latest. And I even bought Firestorm #21-33 to complete the title, the first true ‘back issues’ I ever bought.
If my brother hadn’t ‘fanned the flame’ with a character I loved, I wouldn’t be the collector I am now.
Anj from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Firestorm is a great character that dealt with one of the biggest problems in history, the nuclear bomb and the cold war. He is a character who at one time forced the American and Russian hands by destroying their nuclear weapons. Conway stated that Firestorm was a Marvel character in the DC universe and it has totally succeeded.
Around the time of the New 52 was right when I was seriously getting into comics so it was a great time to catch up and pick up some new books. I took that opportunity to read the 80s series. This was a series that I couldn’t put down. I had to read 3 or 4 issues at a time because I was so intrigued by the story and the relationship between the smarmy jock Ronald Raymond and the wise mentor Martin Stein.
I have enjoyed every single issue of Firestorm I have ever read and I feel I will enjoy any more that come out in the future. Thanks again for kicking ass on the Fire and Water Podcast. It definitely enhances the New 52 reading experience.
I don’t think I really knew much about Firestorm until the Blackest Night & Brightest Day stuff — that’s when I got into comics again. The whole power-set seemed awesome, and the more I read, the more I liked him.
Now, aside from that, I have a deep respect and appreciation for how FUN the character can be with the right writer. Recently, I’ve read a (very small amount) of the older series, and wish DC hadn’t cancelled the book. Jurgens was taking it in a great direction, bringing back the fun that DC seems intent on squashing.
As a little kid I loved watching Saturday morning cartoons as most little kids who grew up in the ’70s did, and I especially loved “Challenge of the Super-Friends” and re-runs of the live action Batman TV series which would precede the cartoons on my local station. Whenever I went to the supermarket with my parents or my grandma I would beg them to buy me a comic book off the rack, usually opting for Batman or some other character from the cartoons. One day I chose a copy of Flash and discovered Firestorm in the backup story beautifully drawn by George Perez. He looked awesome with his flaming hair and I was captivated by his tremendous powers. It would not be long until Fury of Firestorm debuted and I started collecting from about issue #7. The Hyena story really got my attention, since I had recently watched “An American Werewolf in London” and was terrified of lycanthropes so it was great to see my new favorite superhero kick some were-creature butt. But the reason I most identified with Firestorm was because of Prof. Stein. He looks a lot like my dad and when I hear my own conscience it sounds like my dad. So I really dug the scenes where Prof. Stein would appear as Ronnie’s conscience to give him advice. That kind of thing happened to me every day and kept me out of trouble.
Firestorm has the coolest costume among all DC heroes. In the Super Friends cartoon of the 80’s Firestorm stood out from the rest of the heroes because of a design that is ahead of its time. It became such a classic that even today it would still fit well among current comics. In the cartoon, I had no idea what his origin was but because of the design, the colors, the flaming hair and the powers, I thought he was a character as cool as Batman or Superman.
I’ve always liked Firestorm, especially the original version of the character, and it was great when he was part of the JLA. It was brilliant when Firestorm returned during the launch of The New 52, the story really started to take shape when Joe Harris took over writing duties, and the art by Yildiray Cinar was just brilliant!
When Dan Jurgens took over after Zero Month the book really started to recapture the look and feel of the original Firestorm by Gerry Conway and Al Milgron. Although I liked the separate Firestorms, I think it was a great move to go back to Firestorm being two people fused in one body again. That is what always made Firestorm so unique, Ronnie and Jason had to learn to work together again, juggling their new powers and responsibilities with their every day lives in High School.
But the thing I really like about Firestorm is the sense of fun that has always surrounded the character and his colourful rogue’s gallery – especially Killer Frost. Its a shame that Firestorm has been cancelled again as it’s been such a great time for Firestorm; appearing in his own book and as a reserve member of the Justice League during Throne of Atlantis.
So let’s enjoy Firestorm while we can. We still have a few issues to go and your awesome Fire and Water Podcast as well, and hopefully Firestorm will become a full member of the JLA.
Fan the flame and ride the wave :O)
I was initially attracted to Firestorm by the character design, specifically the fact that his head was on fire. I was 12, and that was AWESOME. As I continued reading Furt of Firestorm, I really got to like Ronnie Raymond, lovable lunkhead. Even as a kid, I appreciated how they inverted the Peter Parker paradigm; I thought it was hilarious that the dumb jock was constantly being tormented by the class valedictorian. The split aspect of Firestorm also really interested me. Although Ronnie didn’t know much about chemistry, he had Professor Stein rattling around inside his head to help him out with the formulas. As a teenager, this seemed like the greatest of superpowers. Who wouldn’t want a brilliant adult inside your head, to give you answers and help you through the awkwardness of life. Throughout the many identity changes that Firestorm would go through in later years, this was always my favorite aspect of his character, that there were always two personalities in his head, and that they didn’t always agree.
To me, Firestorm was one of my favorite characters… that I never even knew existed in the comics. Rewinding the hands of time, let’s flash back to when the fusion of Ronnie Raymond and Professor Stein first achieved immortality as an action figure in the “Super Powers” line. I remember distinctly that, out of that second wave, Firestorm was one of the most visually dynamic characters to my eyes. Heck, I think I even remember he was the first hero I wanted an action figure of from that line! You heard me right; before Batman or even Superman, or yes… even Aquaman, Firestorm was a desired hero figure for my adventures. Sad to say, it never entered my life. (Come to think of it, the only “Super Powers” figure I remember owning was a Brainiac… and while he may have been of a “superior intellect”, his brain kick totally made one of his legs fall off the figure. Nice work, Brainy.) But since then, and I believe I got to learn more about Firestorm around that time from the “Super Friends/Powers” cartoon, he’s never been far from the background of my mind. Because of the “Fire and Water” podcast, I’ve been backtracking as many early Firestorm solo appearances as I can, but in the realm of comics, I felt he was one of the most exciting members of the Justice League in the 1980’s. (I even feel he should’ve been kept on the team as a transitional mentor figure to the Detroit League. Besides, who wouldn’t want to see Ronnie completely shoot down Vibe in the wit department?) So, visually striking… check. Cool powers… check. In conclusion, Firestorm is one of those magic-in-a-bottle characters for the DC universe that people like myself, even if they aren’t 100% aware of his history, realize he’s truly a special creation.
What I like most about Firestorm is his future. I know his book just got cancelled but hear me out; Firestorm will save the Justice League. I’m not talking about about some major threat or plot arch, what I’m talking about the book itself. My wife calls the N52 justice league the grumble league, and she’s far from the only one to make that complaint. The League has spent most of it’s time bickering. They’ve been together for five years, but they can’t seem to stand each other for five minutes. The one shining moment I can see was Supes and Diana’s civilian date in JL#15. It was exactly the lighthearted humanizing moment the book needs, and I think Firestorm will inject more of that into the mix. I just don’t see Jason and Ronnie getting into the the posturing and scowling matches that seem to plague this book.
He’s really the perfect choice to lighten things up when you think about it. Firestorm definitely has the more laid back attitude that the league needs, but not so much so that he’ll completely break the mood of the book. Can you imagine Dianna and Arthor arguing over the use of lethal force and suddenly Plastic Man pops in with one of his zany jokes? Bleh. The League needs a heart not a clown. Firestorm can be that heart, and the best part is he does this while being relevant. He fits in well with the current league’s themes. Firestorm is a powerhouse on the level of league, but more than once it has been asked if he can be trusted with that power. He’s the perfect foil for the league and while I’m sad his book is ending, I think all DC fans want to see the Justice League book succeed, and Firestorm may be it’s only hope.
Where to start, there are so many great reasons to love Firestorm, he’s a great character, and reaffirms that two heads are better than one! He is such a perfect blend of so many elements, in the original incarnation the blend between youth & age & in most incarnations the blend of brains & brawn and strength & tranquility. And what a great power set, no one else can turn lethal objects into harmless items. My favorite incarnation would have to be the original Professor Stein and Ronnie blend in Gerry Conway’s run, but Dan Jurgen’s recent run has been absolutely amazing. I can’t recommend it enough, it’ll be sad to see the book ending with issue #20 when I feel like it was picking up so much momentum & heading in such a great direction. It really has been the best Firestorm stuff we Matchheads have gotten in about 25 years.
My absolutely favorite Firestorm moment would have to be in Fury of Firestor The Nuclear Man #4 (1982) when Firestorm successfully defeats Killer Frost, and channels his power through a frozen Red Tornado to safely thaw New York City. At the end there is a great Steve Martin (my favorite comedian of all-time) reference to his Wild & Crazy Guy stand-up comedy album. It was pure gold!
I have liked Firestorm ever since I bought my first comic book, JLA #179, the issue where he joined the JLA. Now, I’ll be honest and say that Aquaman is/was/always will be my #1 hero, but old Flame-brain is a verry, verrry close #2. His cockiness was something that the old-guard, known-each-other-for-years JLA needed at the time. here was a young kid playing in the big leagues, probably the first time this had been done in comics. After all, teen heroes usually hung with the Teen Titans or the Legion. When he joined the Superfriends a few years later on TV, well, that cemented my love for him. And his series was one of the first #1 issues I ever bought. He’s a great character and I am proud to say his is the only Super Powers figure I was able to hold onto after losing them all in a flood.
My thanks to all that submitted their Firestorm stories!
Voting is now open! Be sure to cast your vote for your favorite six stories! Voting is open until Sunday, March 3 at 11:45pm EST
UPDATE: If you voted prior to 11:00pm EST on Monday, February 25, please vote again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Due to some voting inconsistencies, I had to delete the original poll. The new poll was launched just after 11:00pm on Monday. You may select up to six responses, but please don’t vote for the same response multiple times. If there is a repeat of voting inconsistencies, I will terminate the voting and select the winners myself.
The new poll URL is: http://twtpoll.com/m17u99
Happy voting! May the best Match-head win!