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The Fire and Water Podcast Presents… WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE, Volume VII!
The seventh episode of our WHO’S WHO podcast is now available — the show that dares to tackle one of DC Comics’ greatest publications! Each episode Rob and I cover a single issue of the legendary 1980s series, Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe. This time around we chat about WHO’S WHO: Volume VII, discussing characters such as Elongated Man, Easy Company, Dolphin, Duo Damsel, Eclipso, El Diablo, and many more! We wrap up the show with Who’s Who Listener Feedback!
Be sure to check out our Tumblr site for a few pages from this Who’s Who issue: FireandWaterPodcast.Tumblr.com!
You can find the seventh episode of WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE on iTunes. Each episode is released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (47 MB).
Thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on this episode! Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic Who’s Who theme song!
Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at: firewaterpodcast@comcast.net
One of the coolest aspects of each Who’s Who issue was the amazing wrap-around cover! Check out this impressive Paris Cullins and Dick Giordano cover for Volume VII! Click the image to enlarge.
Here are your Firestorm-related Who’s Who entries from this issue…
The only Firestorm-centric character this time around is the Enforcer drawn by Rafael Kayanan and Gary Martin! Since this is a split-page entry, you get the additional bonus of checking out the Pre-Crisis Eradicator! You lucky devils! Click the image below to enlarge!
While not specific to just Firestorm, the Nuclear Man was a member of the Satellite-era Justice League along with the Elongated Man, drawn here by Carmine Infantino and Dick Giordano! Click the image to enlarge!
Finally, we have Dolphin by Dave Stevens! Firestorm and Dolphin appeared together in Crisis on Infinite Earths! … Okay, my reasoning for featuring Dolphin here is really weak, but can you blame me? Click the image to enlarge.
Support Firestorm (and the WHO’S WHO podcast)! Fan the flame!

This issue has a very special place in my collection because it’s the only issue I ever missed when it came out (I want to blame shared custody, throw it on the daddy issues pile). Took me like 4 years to find it. Consequently, it’s the issue that’s in the best condition. Yeah, can’t believe I missed out on that Dolphin pic through my late teen years. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, on to the podcast…
Cover: I love Fastback running up Elongated Man’s back. And I just noticed Elu.
Prez: Never got a Who’s Who entry, not in the back pages of the last ish, like Angel and the Ape. Not in the updates. Not ever. Sad. Very sad.
Doctor Psycho: Love those little ghosts!
Doctor Regulus: Beware radioactive gold! My subprint is offset just a little bit, not enough for a 3D look though.
Dr. Thirteen: His ancestor also appears in All Star Western.
Doctor Tzin-Tzin: Awesome, awesome art. He tangled with Supergirl and Jonny Double too, so he really got around for a character I’ve never seen outside of this issue.
Doghouse of Solitude: No entry. TRAVESTY!!!
Doll Man: Not my favorite image. Subprint a bit spare, and that cat doesn’t really look like a cat, or in proper scale with Doll Man.
Dolphin: I completely agree with your guys this is one of the best entries ever. Stuff worth noticing – the way her legs are positioned creates a kind of mermaid’s tail, the left one hidden behind the right.
Don Caballero: Zorro without the copyright issues.
Doom Patrol: Shag, Shag, Shag, it’s Madame Rouge, not Madame Rogue. 😉 I wonder why they gave the DP a third page for another iteration of the team. It’s not like there’s more than on JLA entry (no Detroit League, for example). It’s almost like John Byrne just didn’t want to draw the New DP members. As for Celsius, when the Chief came back from the dead, he claimed not to even know her, even though her origin story was part of a mind probed flashback (which sounds pretty solid) and that she was insane (could explain it). After she died
Dream Girl: I can’t believe Rob dropped some Legion knowledge on Shag. It must be Bizarro day. Weird. But I agree with Shag the front image never did much for me. I think the pout is off-model. When I think of her, it’s by Giffen or LaRocque, and that’s just not her face. Compare to her Who’s Who in the Legion pic (man, those are gonna be lonely podcasts for Rob…).
Duke of Deception: You know who hates the Duke? Rex the Wonder Dog. Oh that’s not him in the subprint? Too bad.
Duo Damsel: I love that the way her powers are shown, there are three of her, so Triplicate Girl is visually referenced. She’s lucky she wasn’t renamed Settling Girl.
I’m gonna split up these comments. That’s all the Ds, later on, the Es!
Easy Company: So great. I can’t add anything, really.
Elastic Lad: Let’s talk about the real issue here – Who’s Who anti-supporting cast agenda. Here we have a character who had his own book under his real name, FOR YEARS, and instead of finding him in the Js or even the Os where he belongs, he’s stuck in E as one of many transformational identities he’s held over the years. The same happens to Lana Lang (Insect Queen) and Alfred Pennyworth (The outsider). Superpowered identities, no matter how silly or rare, trump their best known selves. And if you don’t have one of these crazy super IDs, you’re not in it. No Commissioner Gordon, no Perry White, no Abby Cable, etc., not until the second who’s Who Update! (Or possibly, the Who’s Who files in some Annuals from these years.) The big surprise is that Lois Lane got a real entry. No one else did.
Howard Bender, yeah he drew Jimmy, but he’s also called BENDER. Perfect for Elastic Lad.
Elasti-Girl: She couldn’t stretch, but she could grow distinct parts of her body individually, so have, for example, really big, long arms on a regular body.
Elongated Man: Am I misremembering that this is the first actual appareance of the new costume? They did it for Black Canary for sure. Great insight from DeStafano though! That said, I don’t think there’s ever been an Elongated Man costume I really liked. Mike Parobeck drew his mini, confirmed.
Emerald Empress: The pose betrays Curt Swan’s pencils, because Kesel makes her much prettier than Swan might have made her. Yeah, still not a Swan fan.
Enchantress: Nice pose but strange choice in taking her hat off, because that’s not really her look normally. Mullet?
Evil Star: I wish they’d given the Starling kids more space. Cuz really, it’s all about the Starlings.
Fs and listener feedback after lunch!
Fastback: I completely support individual entries for each Zoo Crew member. After all, these guys each had detailed and fun histories. The team entry (in the very last issue, so that would have been a long wait for their fans) couldn’t have done them justice. I’m still sore Frogzilla didn’t get an entry. How ’bout all those Earth-C villains, DC?! And Shag, you are correct when you say the JLA (Just’a Lotta Animals) was from C-minus. The Zoo Crew is on Earth-C proper.
What, I won the Yellow Dot?! I can’t wait not to get the award in the mail! My trivial mind IS my only talent.
See ya in the Firestorm issue, gonna be exciting!
I give you guys “E” for Effort on what is a lackluster issue IMO…ha ha.
The cover: It seems very unbalanced to me with a lot crammed on the left side (Back) while the right side (Front) is very sparse. With the exception of Elongated Man, it’s just not a very dynamic cover.
Dr. Psycho: I’m curious why Gene Colan wasn’t tapped to draw the good, er, bad doctor considering he was the most recent artist to tackle the character during the Roy Thomas revival.
Dr. Regulus: The Pat Broderick issue was the first issue of LSH I started buying on a regular basis, so the Who’s Who entry holds special meaning to me. I had previously read the Legion when they shared a title with Superboy but that was hit or miss.
Dolphin: Dave Stevens artwork IS amazing and it would have been fun to see him work on a regular book for DC…
Doom Patrol: All of John Byrne’s DP artwork are some of my favorite pieces in Who’s Who. I would have liked to see him do a retro/flashback DP title as opposed to the approach he took when he did eventually work on the characters. That was a disaster. But then again, DC really has never had any luck with the Doom Patrol have they? LOL
Dream Girl: Correction…Dream Girl is NOT the hottest female member of the Legion. Saturn Girl is!
Duke of Deception: Wonder Woman really has some of the worst villains, doesn’t she?
Elastic Lad: As much as I love goofy Silver Age stuff like Whirly-Bats, Dial “H” for Hero, Red Kryptonite and Composite Superman (see what I did there?) how is it that Jimmy Olsen rates TWO entries- This one and then, later on, one under his own identity? That just seems wrong considering other characters that didn’t make the cut.
Which reminds me….Len Wein’s comment regarding the criteria of who made Who’s Who…I’m guessing that Angel and the Ape might not have made the original cut (contrary to the editors claiming they simply forgot) because they were humor characters. After all, Binky and Suag & Spike didn’t make it and neither did any of the funny animal characters (like Fox and Crow) with the exception of the Zoo Crew. But enough complaints were raised in their behalf that they were added at the end of the run, perhaps? Another possibility is that since they were included in a scene in Crisis On Infinite Earths they were now “legit”?
Emerald Empress: I was always hoping that they would have tied the Emerald Eye of Ekron in with the Guardians of Oa/Green Lantern Corp. Perhaps the eye once belonged to a Green Lantern before it became sentient? To my knowledge they never explained the origins of the eye.
Enchantress: Does anyone know why this version of the character (and subsequent Suicide Squad appearances) doesn’t match up with the version that was featured just a few years prior during the Forgotten Heroes/Villains issues of DC Comics Presents? That one was blond if I recall and wore a swimsuit style costume.
Fadeaway Man: Don’t forget that Dave Cockrum previously worked for DC primarily on the Legion and is responsible for quite a few of their funky 70s costume redesigns….
I must say that these episodes are starting to require their own glossary, what with the mispronounciations of El Papagayo, Madame Rouge, Tony DeZuniga, Luke McDONNELL…LOL
I’m looking forward to Vol. VIII with it’s plethora of Flash, Fire and Teams of Five.
Oh, and on behalf of the “nerdy but knowledgable” fans of the podcast, yes the Zoo Crew exists on Earth-C and the Justa Lotta Animals on Earth-C Minus. (At least until after Crisis when they lose Earth-status and become an “alternate dimension”).
A. Let’s not mince words, that cover sucks. The style is lousy, the composition poor, the renderings flat. The Latinos on the horse are disproportionate to each other and the horse, plus lumped together in a very un-P.C. fashion. It’s horrible. I could do better, and I’m a pathetic draw-er type person.
B. Said it before; will say it again: Atari Force are not DC characters, and their presence spits in the face of every omission of legitimate characters.
C. Doctor Psycho is one of my top five favorite Wonder Woman villains. See, he’s a tiny, trollish man who hates women while manifesting a more attractive persona to use and abuse them. Dude’s a walking metaphor set against a heroine defined by overt text and subversive subtext. I love villains that really mean something. More on his late Bronze Age reintroduction here, here and here plus a recent return here.
Dream Girl: I think you made a typo there. I think you mean Lightning Lass.
Elastic Lad: Jimmy doesn’t get two entries in this volume. He gets another entry in the second Update series, just like a lot of people do.
Humor characters: You’re probably right. Stanley and his Monster don’t get an entry either, do they? The Zoo Crew at least crossed over with Superman, so we know they’re in the same multiverse. No doubt why Prez was omitted. Hard to imagine the character as part of DC history.
Emerald Empress: The Eye of Ekron actually DOES have a connection the the GLC. In 52, it was revealed that it came from the Emerald Head of Ekron, a Green Lantern who went mad after his sector was destroyed. The eye was something of a prototype for the rings, maybe, but I don’t know how that works exactly in the timeline.
Enchantress wasn’t blond in the Forgotten Villains, was she? He alternate identity, June Moon, IS blond though.
Yes, all the Zoo Crew have their own entries. Why? Because they are freaking AWESOME, that’s why. (Wait until you get to the final issue. They have THREE, count them THREE entries in that one!)
The reasoning behind this, I would imagine, would be DC wanting to keep the characters in the public eye, since Captain Carrot: The Oz/Wonderland Wars was just around the corner, issue 1 of that mini’s cover date being January of 86.
Earth C-Minus is, as others have stated, home of the Justa Lotta Animals. Apparently after Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Crew lose their Earth status for a while, but they get it back sometime around the 52 series, at which point they become Earth-26. At least, I think that’s when it happened.
And strangely enough, I posted the Fastback entry today, then realized that you guys had posted the podcast yesterday. That’s the second time now that’s happened. hmmmm….
@ Siskoid- No I was correct when I wrote Saturn Girl…The pink bikini was what got a young 5th grader interested in the Legion of Super-Heroes in the first place. LOL
Prez crossed over with Supergirl once (Issue #10 of her first series). He should have at least got a half a page just for that…
Check out the Enchantress on the covers of DC Comics Presents #77 and 78….she has red/blond hair and her costuming is totally different. But when the Forgotten Villains entry runs in Who’s Who they switch it to black and put her in the witch costume.
Saturn Girl: She’s the one that can walk through walls, right? In that case I agree.
Prez: In that case, PREZ FOR PRESIDENT!!!
Enchantress: Weird. But hey, most women change their hair color on a regular basis.
Phantom Girl (white bell bottom jumpsuit with lotsa cleavage cuts) can walk thru walls. Saturn Girl (pink bikini) can read minds.
Actually all of the Legion chicks in the 70s were hot in one way or another…lotsa raging teenage hormones in that clubhouse I imagine…
I think it’s a toss-up between Dolphin and Phantom Lady for most memorable entry. It did not escape my attention when I was twelve years old that both featured hints of nipples.
D. I’ve bitched so much about the comment moderation on Rob’s blog that I’m compelled to mention how bad it sucks that my comments float in limbo here when they include hotlinks until Shag deigns to approve them after a point when it is buried by later, linkless comments. U suq.
E. My only exposure to Doctor Regulus was in the Zero Hour reboot years. Broderick sells middle age very well.
F. Doctor Thirteen means nothing to me, but I sure like Tony DeZunga when he’s got it going on.
G.One of the things I love about micro-heroes is that they’re usually much more violent than their contemporaries. During a Silver Age dominated by gimmick villains being out-thought by subdued heroes, the Atom was straight up punching and kicking people. Likewise, despite his effeminate costume, Doll Man was hardcore into stabbing folks to death with relatively gigantic scissors, and he pioneered the sadistic male bondage that defined ’60s Tiny Titan covers. Lou Fine was arguably the finest comic artist of his time, and a major influence on the always awesome Anderson. Except for the stupid cat face barely in view.
H. I was overly responsive to comic book pokies as a wee pubescent (shout out to Hero Alliance) but is it a sin that in retrospect I’m not that impressed by the Dolphin cheesecake?
I. Bill Wray was inking for DC at the time, specifically Justice League of America, and he polished the hell out of Luke McDonnell.
J. “If it’s not Dick Grayson, who cares?” -excerpt from The Wit & Wisdom of Rob Kelly (Random, 2021)
K. So Shag, did you consider reading interviews with John Byrne from around the time he wrote and drew a Doom Patrol series for over a year with a six part prelude in JLA? It’s a shame Byrne is absolutely the worst, most clueless creator to ever touch the team. Yes, even worse than Kupperberg, who was comparatively ingenious. Anyway, I struggled to figure out the appeal of the team for decades, but finally came to appreciate them through the quirky, cynical last series by Keith Giffen and Matt Clarke. They were like the permanently damaged adult X-Men, as opposed to the overwrought glossy PYT teen angst of the actual X-Men. Also, Shag, there’s a encyclopedia of DC characters that includes a Celsius entry that you might be surprised to learn is actually in your possession and very, very near to hand.
L. For some reason (probably the abstract Cobra Commander mask) I always recall the Dragon King entry as a second Bill Sienkiewicz, though it’s obviously not based on the color hold. It’s Rod Whigham, right? No? Greg LaRoque? Really? Either Bob Wiacek tore those pencils apart or I demand a recount. Never read a single Dragon King story in my life.
M. The Duke of Deception appeared in dozens of Wonder Woman comics, and was one of her primary reoccurring foes in the Silver and Bronze Ages. However, he stopped being used after the Crisis reboot. I gotta beef with George Perez over Wonder Woman, because he made a lot of ill-advised changes that I feel hobbled the iconic heroine, and one was arbitrarily dumping guys like the Duke, By extension, he shrank her rogues gallery to near Aquaman levels of repetitiveness. Circe or Cheetah five times a week; Ares, Dr. Psycho, or Giganta on weekends; and the occasional tepid Silver Swan revision as a “treat?” Yawn.) Jose Delbo had a really appealing run drawing the book in the ’70s, sort of serving the Amazing Amazon as Jim Aparo did the Caped Crusader and the Praised One did the Man of Steel.
N. As drawn by Marshall Rogers, the Dummy is intense. I’m in the midst of moving, and too many of the goodies are at the new place to be left unguarded. I’m alone in two stories of unfamiliar territory filled with large empty boxes, creaking fans, damp floors, books spontaneously falling on partially filled shelves, and the like. It’s a good thing I have the voices of my friends to keep me company. Thanks guys…
Of interest to readers and writers of this blog:
The Yellow Dot
I made you something!
Well… I still enjoyed the episode
I’m a huge Doom Patrol fan and have been since I picked up that Secret Origins Annual way back in 1987. Something about Cliff Steele really appeals to me. Perhaps it has something to do with my life-long dream of having a steam shovel for a mouth. I do remember when the Chief came back and said he didn’t know Celcius, but I don’t recall where it went from there. I’d like to hear more of your thoughts on the original hard-luck heroes but I guess sometimes Rob’s just got to cut things off (what’s wrong with a 6 hour podcast?).
I am a big fan of comicbookdb.com, but it is a bit like Wikipedia. Anyone can update it. Trusting it as a source of information is a bit of a crap shoot.
Once again, excellent installment. I’m not just blowing smoke up your butt when I say it is my favorite podcast.
FKAJason makes a good point.
There should be an extended version of the podcast where each entry gets an hour and a half to itself.
Each one would come with one of Frank’s diatribes, of course, which is how we like our podcasts. Or at least, our comments sections.
O. Adding to the X-Men comparisons, Duplicate Boy = Mimic? I’m very fond of Jerry Bingham from this period, and this art looks nothing like Jerry Bingham from this period. Bad on Giordano.
P. Where is our New 52 Earthworm? How has this guy not seen a grim n’ gritty revival?
Q. I’ve read Sgt. Rock stories, but never Easy Company ones. I was introduced to them in DC Sampler, and thought they were massively cornball cannon fodder for trumped up “poignancy” that I hated on sight. I can’t name any of the “Heartbreakers,” and these guys make the Howling Commandos look like KISS (and I don’t even like KISS, but I still know Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, and that there were a bunch of other guys in distinctive kabuki make-up at various points.) Even the spread seems to be a well rendered Rock color hold hovering over doodles of ridiculous soldiers that would have been better served by Robert Altman than David Lean. Cue Snoopy “blech.”
R. Been an Eclipso fan since “The Darkness Within,” and I “proudly” possess a complete set of his (occasionally inspired but mostly the artistic nadir of ’90s DC) solo series. The Silver Age Eclipso was much more of a Jekyll & Hyde/Hulk riff where handsome scientist Dr. Bruce Gordon turns into the villainous Eclipso during curiously monthly solar eclipses, and each persona tries to sabotage/check the other. The “eclipsing” didn’t start until the event mini-series thirty years after Eclipso’s creation. For the record, like House of Mystery, the sci-fi/spooky anthology House of Secrets was converted into an offbeat bifurcated super-hero series similar to Marvel Comics’ early efforts (when they were forced to publish all their concepts in only eight or so periodicals by distributor Independent News.) When Eclipso and Prince Ra-Man failed at least as thoroughly as Martian Manhunter and Robby Reed, both books became quasi-EC revivals under Joe Orlando. I love the action figures, though I wish a Bart Sears elven barbarian version would get produced. Eclipso was brutal, especially in stories drawn by Alex Toth.
S. Sooo bogus that Jimmy Olsen got an entry as Elastic Lad. I want to like Jimmy because of his historical significance, but in practice he’s always sucked.
T. I firmly disliked Elasti-Girl for decades as a quaint icon of heroine victimization/refrigeration, but really warmed to her as the troubled but determined heart at the angry core of the Giffen/Clark Doom Patrol.
U. If it did nothing else, the New Universe introduced this young reader to the delight of Gray Morrow (via Marc Hazzard: Merc.) I’m still waiting for a version of El Diablo that I can get behind, though.
V. Dave Ross as overwhelmed by Kevin Nowlan’s inks started me on the path to Punisher fandom in 1988, so it’s kind of appropriate Klaus Janson also owns him here on a Punisher knock-off villain. In a more just world, Ross wouldn’t be such an enigma. Check out his gloriously rendered Elseworlds mini-series JLA: Act of God.
W. Legion was the first hardcore fan entitlement property, in the sense that it was a minor premise that became something greater because of the tireless devotion and input of readers. This participatory aspect lent the property an aura of inclusiveness that welcomed LGBT involvement, hence Element Lad’s ambiguous sexuality. The Legion might have retained this cultural currency if it had better extended its community to non-whites, as opposed to unleashing Tyroc and fixating on wastes of space like Dawnstar. The X-Men, mostly thanks to Dave Cockrum’s input, usurped the Legion’s progressive relevancy.
X. I dig this Elongated Man costume, but Infantino needed a flashier inker than Giordano to properly showcase it. Excellent work on Rob’s part in getting that quote.
Y. Frank Giacoia unfortunately overwhelmed Mark Texeira, who I came to know and love (*theme*) through the New Universe series Psi-Force.
P. Earthworm would be perfect in World’s Finest. After all, he was an Earth-2 Huntress villain.
W. Too true. For LGBT content, the Legion remains an important book, since its current incarnation includes Lightning Lass and Shrinking Violet as a couple, and recently featured a gay male couple in Legion Academy (though they chose to go work on Takron-Galtos rather than keep applying to the Legion).
Z. The Emerald Eye of Ekron got a lot of action Post-Crisis, so I tend to think of it as a bigger deal than it would have been in 1985. The Empress never impressed, though.
Za. If Nu DC was set on raiding Marvel’s pre-Quesada editorial pool, why wouldn’t they bring in Carl Potts? The guy basically discovered and developed all of the better Image-style artists (Art Adams, Jim Lee, Whilce Portacio, Larry Stroman, Scott Williams) and maintained the high quality of Epic Comics about as well as anyone could have after Archie Goodwin returned to DC. Decent artist, too, but it amuses me that the dated Enchantress got updated into the equally dated Olivia Newton-Johntress. I guess he thought we might like it?
Zb. Vastly prefer the Enemy Ace profile to the Easy one. Super cool character passionately rendered. Who’s Who was pretty good to DC’s war characters, especially when you consider how uncommon recurring characters are in that genre.
Zc. Enforcer’s costume doesn’t really adapt well to breasts, but Gary Martin really got that Layton sheen on her armor.
Zd. Post-Crisis Eradicator FTL, because he never Michael Ironsided dudes heads like this random latter-day Flash creation, and he in no way resembled a Wally Wood creation (which Who’s Who sorely lacked, because he’d Eradicatored himself by then.) Dennis Jensen is another lush inker that never got his due.
Ze. Evil Star is a great villain hampered solely by the stupid starfish mask, which would work fine if it was just skintight rather than flapping around. Rob should have some *orm* sympathy.
Zf. If Rob was a Legion guy, he might have known about Dave Cockrum’s mutually beneficial association with the team. Most of his All-New All-Different X-Men designs were originally going to be Legionnaires before he jumped ship to Marvel, and he was the guy who made the Legion sexy after all those years under the staid Curt Swan model. Cockrum was also part of a critically acclaimed Blackhawk revival not long before this. Anyway, Fadeaway Man was in one of the earliest comics I read, yet I have no nostalgic feeling for him whatsoever. I guess he’s one of Hawkman’s less awful Silver Age foes.
Zg. Screw the Zoo Crew as well. Way too many omissions for me to support individual listings for such a niche and relatively short-lived characters.
…and now… Listener Feedback Feedback (Feedback)
*I hurled invective over “Adventures of Superman” as a joke about the overzealous fan rage that was discussed in the podcast, because I was listening while you guys were just talking.
*To address Orin’s dad at the other blog, I think I summarized my thoughts on this episode in four separate comment posts spanning a week, so there’s that.
*It’s been so long since I heard the Galactic Guardians Darkseid voice that I never realized that no other voice acting attempt has ever measured up for me. Shag did a great impersonation!
*You can’t read ’70s Legion stories and not realize puberty had struck like a tsunami. No Shrinking Violet love, BTW? Oh, and no weird subtext that the queer male Legionnaires would run off to work at a prison together? Da fug?
*For the record, “Who’s Who” is also my favorite podcast, but the only other one I listen to is “Fire & Water,” so you guys are only ever beating yourself to me.
As a public service announcement, Who’s Dr. Tzin-Tzin?
And yet more: Who’s Don Caballero?
Doing my own research, I found that the Grand Comic Database was NOT responsible for Shag’s misattribution of Bill Wray as artist on those early stories (Rob mocked him because Wray would have been a child at the time). In reality, Don Caballero’s strips were drawn by Gil Kane and that’s what the GCD says.
What I think happened is that Shag’s eyes flitted to the wrong part of the screen where FRED Wray was credited for drawing the Tomahawk script in All-Star Western’s (and Caballero’s) first issue.
And last one for now from this volume…
Who’s Earthworm?
[…] be sure to check out this episode of the Who’s Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe hosted by my friends Rob and Shag as they give this entry a whole lot of […]