Go buy Justice League #16 right now! Why? Because it’s a really great installment in the “Throne of Atlantis” storyline! And because this happened…
Now for a nice close-up with a transplanted word balloon…
Firestorm in the Justice League?!?! Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Now we can open up the champagne!!
finaly a reason to start buying justice league
Element Woman??? Metamorpho get a sex change?
@Keith – Check out Flashpoint for info on Element Woman. Should be an interesting addition. There was also an Element Girl in classic DC. Now that I think about it, she should have been in the WHO’S WHO issue we just covered, but she wasn’t. Weird.
The Justice League needs a secondary team worth of reinforcements against Atlantis? They are to nations what Rann is to planets: a massive population of wussies. This is what happens when the Justice League replaces a spare Martian Superman with friggin’ Cyborg the Underwhelming. How many of these drafts have any set-up? Has Firestorm met the JLA in the New 52? Glad I don’t follow either book, except pretty soon I’ll tackle JLofA and Vibe, which will likely be just as bad.
@Frank – Firestorm met the Justice League International team in the New 52, which included Batman. Personally I was hoping for a classic Bronze Age like meeting with Superman.
Hmm. Turn firestorm into two characters, and sales fall through the floor. Restore Firestorm to his classic persona and he instantly makes the Justice League. What’s the lesson to be learned from the New 52? Don’t mess with the classics.
Can we have the puffy sleeves back now, please?
@Boosterrific – While the new Firestorm incarnation is meeting with critical approval, sales are still dropping on the monthly book (lower now than they were with the two Firestorms). So I’d say Firestorm joining the JL is a function of a strong character rather than being a sales driven or popular decision.
(And I’m with Frank. It will take a lot more than this splash page to get me to read the worst incarnation of the JLA since JL Antarctica.)
I saw this, said out loud, “Oh, Shag has got to be in heaven.”
To which my son replied, “Shag died?”
Followed quickly by, “Who is Shag?”
@FKAJason – LOL! I got a laugh out of that! Also, I noticed you’ve got a Captain Atom blog now?!?!? Were you going to tell any of us?!?! How cool!!!!!
Where is this JLA Antarctica book I keep hearing about? I don’t see it on mycomicshop, or Mile High Comics. Is this just some cruel joke ppl are playing on me?
@Sean – Justice League Antarctica was part of the humorous JLI era. It was the Injustice League trying to do good.
Fun stuff!
Well damn… I guess this means the number of DC comics I buy just doubled 😉
Shag, I was inspired by you and Rob. Keep up the good work, you guys have terrific chemistry.
Shagg, now that you mention it, I do remember her from Flashpoint… It’s just sad that I dont really remember too much about what happened in Flashpoint, other than it was a weird Age of Apocalypse type reality, then was changed to the New 52.