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The 34th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
Shag and Rob record in the wee hours of the morning to discuss the latest issues of Firestorm and Aquaman (which explains why Shag is even more rambley than normal)! This time we review Aquaman #13 (by Geoff Johns, Rod Reis, Julio Ferreira, and the outgoing art team of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado) and The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #13 (by the new creative team of Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi)! One issue wraps up a fantastic storyline, while the other begins a new era with a bang!
Also, please help victims of Hurricane Sandy by donating to the Red Cross through THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. Anyone who donates through the SHRINE will be entered into a drawing for some amazing prizes! For more details, click here.
You can find the 34th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (36 MB).
As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!
Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at firewaterpodcast@comcast.net. Visit our Tumblr site at fireandwaterpodcast.tumblr.com.
Finally, check out the gorgeous covers to the Aquaman and Fury of Firestorm issues covered on this podcast!
Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Listening to F/W now and you just referenced my FAVORITE STORY of Firestorm ever, the 2000 Committee stuff. It was probably my favorite story THAT YEAR in ANY comic.
On Paul Pelletier. That’s a French name from my area (pronounced Pel-Tee-ay), but on the American side (Maine) they pronounce it Pelleteer like you do. I think that’s probably it. Surprised Art Thibert pronounces his name à la française rather than “Thi-Burt” though. Or are you Colbert-izing it for fun?
Good thing I held off listening to this. My Aquaman #13 just showed up, so I’m going to read that right now, and then pop this into the CD player.
I was disappointed with Aquaman #13. It was pretty anti-climatic for me, after such a long story line and it ends with Arthur learning a lesson that he didn’t really need to learn (very “After School Special”). I’ve enjoyed “The Others” story line up until now, but this was a let down.
The Fury of Firestorm #13 was great though. Jurgens introduces FOUR new villains, sets up a fifth mystery villain and teases the return of…someone. What I liked most about this though was a return to the “two guys, one superhero” concept which is what I’ve always found the most fascinating about Firestorm. Great chemistry between Ronnie and Jason here. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the story line plays out.
I agree with Craig M above….this issue of FTNM works for me because it’s a return to the “two guys, one superhero” shtick that was so entertaining oh those many years ago. FINALLY the two guys are both the same age and around the same places, so there won’t be the messy Stein-Ronnie mash-ups. Also they remember that they are Firestorm, so there won’t be any odd “am I an alcoholic?” melodrama. I also agree with Rob that this reads more like a comic-book and less like a horror movie. I would be happy if characters didn’t have pens flying into their brains, Shag(g)!
I have to say that the first character I thought of when I saw the shadowed old guy was General Immortus. Not sure why he would be after Firestorm, but that’s who I thought of.
Thanks for all the comments! Just a quick observation from me… I was listening back to the podcast yesterday when I realized we did a lot more RECAP than REVIEW. Sorry about that. I imagine it was the combination of such important issues and our sheer exhaustion (it was literally 5:30am on a Sunday when we recorded).
Again, thanks for the comments and glad you enjoyed the episode!
Thanks for all the comments!
@Siskoid – Yeah, that 2000 committee stuff is great! My favorite story is FIRESTORM #14-18, plus Annual #1! Great stuff!
No joking on the pronunciations; just doing our best. And if you listen to enough F&W Podcasts, then you know I’m TERRIBLE at pronouncing words.
@Sean – Hope you dig the issues! We thought they were great!
@CraigM – I agree about Firestorm! Love seeing the return of the classic combination (albeit Jason standing in for the Professor). And the new villains were a nice bonus. I hope we get to see a mixture of new villains and classic rogues in future issues.
@Russell – Believe it or not, General Immortus went through my mind at first too! While I love the Professor and Ronnie, I’ve really come to enjoy the Jason and Ronnie mixture. This comic felt like an extension of Brightest Day to me, which is perfectly fine. Good stuff in this issue!
Thanks again for the comments!