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Tom Katers vs. Firestorm

Tom Katers hosts a fun series of podcasts reviewing Silver & Bronze Age comics. He started with “Tom vs. the JLA”, covering each issue of the original Justice League of America run, issue-by-issue. Once he’d covered all those issues, he moved on to “Tom vs. the Flash”, and most recently “Tom vs. Aquaman”. Each episode Tom covers a single issue, delivering a summary in which he celebrates the Silver/Bronze Age story-tropes. Oh yeah, he’s damn funny too.

While doing the “Tom vs. the Flash” series of podcasts, he touched on the Firestorm back-up stories. While he wasn’t always kind to Firestorm’s adventures, he certainly was hilarious to listen to. I highly recommend you give these podcasts a try!

Firestorm in Flash #289 by Gerry Conway and George Perez

You can find “Tom vs. the Flash” on iTunes, his Libsyn page, and his blog. Be sure to check out the podcasts that cover the Firestorm back-up stories in The Flash #289 – #304. Fun stuff! If you enjoy those, you may wish to go back and listen to his “Tom vs. the JLA” episodes that covered Firestorm-centric issues, such as Justice League of America #179 & #180.

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  1. MOCK! says:

    I have a long trip coming up….I think I just found my entertainment! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. seth says:

    Hey check this out.
    Felicity Smoak is coming to Arrow.
    Will Ronnie Raymond be next?

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