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The 24th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
This episode Rob and Shag chat about a variety of comic-related subjects, such as Dan Jurgens on The Fury of Firestorm, The Dark Knight Rises, comics we’re enjoying, and much more! The podcast wraps up with your listener feedback!
You can find the 24th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (37 MB).
As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!
Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at: firewaterpodcast@comcast.net
As promised during the episode, here are Lee Novak’s hilarious custom lyrics for “Download It, Maybe”, sung to the tune of “Call Me Maybe“:
I was never really a fan,
Of this guy, Aquaman
I never gave him a chance,
Until I found this showNever collected his books,
Or gave him a second look
But now I think I’m hooked,
Because I heard this showI did some lookin’ online,
At Rob’s Aquaman Shrine,
Wow, that Mera sure is fine,
I guess it’s “Ride the Wave” time!Hey, there’s these two guys,
They’re entertaining,
And here’s their podcast,
Download it, maybe?It’s hard to get through,
a boring work day,
Without Fire & Water,
Download it, maybe?Hey, there’s these two guys,
They’re entertaining,
And here’s their podcast,
Download it, maybe?And all the other blogs,
Just try to compete,
But here’s the podcast,
Download it, maybe?I hit the net with a plan,
To search for “nuclear man”
It brought up Firestorm Fan,
And then I found this showA place for fellow match heads,
To discuss comics we’ve read,
And cry that Martin Stein’s dead,
It’s all part of this showTwo guys merge into the same,
Firehawk sure is a hot dame
Although Slipknot is kinda lame,
It’s still cool to fan the flame!Hey, there’s these two guys,
They’re entertaining,
And here’s their podcast,
Download it, maybe?It’s hard to get through,
a boring work day,
Without Fire & Water,
Download it, maybe?Hey, there’s these two guys,
They’re entertaining,
And here’s their podcast,
Download it, maybe?And all the other blogs,
Just try to compete,
But here’s the podcast,
Download it, maybe?When a new show goes up,
It makes me so glad
It makes me so glad
It makes me so, so gladWhen a new show goes up
It makes me so glad
And you should know that
It makes me so, so gladIt’s hard to get through,
a boring work day,
Without Fire & Water,
Download it, maybe?Hey, there’s these two guys,
They’re entertaining,
And here’s their podcast,
Download it, maybe?And all the other blogs,
Just try to compete,
But here’s the podcast,
Download it, maybe?When a new show goes up,
It makes me so glad
It makes me so glad
It makes me so, so gladWhen a new show goes up
It makes me so glad
And you should know that
It makes me so, so gladDownload it, maybe?
Our thanks to Lee! So much fun!
Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Bravo! Bravo!
I saw this post this morning, and was both deeply honored while yet being slightly horrified. Many thanks for the prestigious Steam award, I promise I won’t let it go to my head. Hope you had a nice vacation, Shag.
I KNEW you would love that pamphlet…odd how you were actually born in Michigan. Small world, haha!!
Awesome episode guy’s. I know Robb and Shagg lead busy lives, but maybe you guys could do a monthly Comic Talk episode for The Fire and Water Podcast?…
Like Robb said, that you guys try to keep the episodes at around an hour, and try not to go off on tangents, but Tangents and Off Topic talk is always really great listening!
1. This show introduced me to “Call Me Maybe“ last time, but I only played it in the background. I’m glad for the repeat mention, because I didn’t realize the video ended on such a howler of a note. I do believe I’ve got a complete set of the show, including the uncensored one that got Shag his first FCC violation.
2. How about a Fire & Water Podcast fan acronym? Is Fred Willard an honorary FAWPer*?
3. Since Shag dropped in a random NPR reference, I don’t recall if I’ve ever mentioned that Ira Flatow’s voice sometimes reminds me of Rob.
4. Rob’s right that it’s Art T-Bear, per Wizard Magazine in the ’90s. Which got me saying Coo-Bear years ago for Kubert, and Rob knows is completely wrong. I blame the French-Canadians.
5. Peter David started the King Arthur parallels, but he employed subtlety. Jurgens, not so much.
6. There was a pre-Crisis Eradicator, although he was a Flash villain. There’s this Who’s Who podcast you guys should check out that will cover the guy in the next few months.
7. I LOVED the 1983 DC Sampler, which I got as a kid. I must reference this in my resume!
8. “Cooling off” timeline: The Dark Knight (2008.) Beginning of the Marvel Studios universe (2008.) The Avengers (two months ago.)
9. No love for Cutlass Pete, Rob? Piranha-Man? Thanatos? Yeah, the Aquaman rogues gallery is pretty ugh.
10. I mock the Firestorm rogues, as they thoroughly deserve derision. However, the passage of time has allowed their 70s/80s contemporaneous horribleness (referencing bit-based computing, the American Indian movement, cineplexes, etc.) to be dulled so thoroughly that the characters are partially validated by their irrelevance to modern times. They are effectively unique obscurities rather than bandwagon-hopping lame-os.
11. My employment of the “DC Challenge” was euphemistic, like “differently abled,” “Special Olympics” or “Written by Rob Liefeld.”
12. No, this is a Nuclear Sub.
13. Curiously enough, my girlfriend and I just rearranged our living room over the weekend with the aid of IKEA. There’s now room enough to dance without even moving the table. Either of us dancing would be aesthetically unfortunate, though. I’ll confess that my comic and toy boxes still smother the closet, and the area around my work desk is always a wreck.
I’m flattered that you accepted my moniker for F&WP regular listeners. I hadn’t realized how much trouble poor Shag would have pronouncing it, but if there was any kind of subtle joke involved, it’s that “Sub” of course is short for “Submarine,” and the full name would really be “Nuclear Submariners,” a reference to Aquaman’s Marvel doppelganger. Not wanting to go there, I thought, okay, shorten it to Nuclear Subs.
I echo the list of unanswered Firestorm questions that Shag read. I would add: how did Zithertech acquire the sole rights to develop Firestorm protocols, presumably granted to them by Martin Stein in his life? And, secondly, how did Martin Stein really “die”? (I put “die” in quotes because as we know now, he lives on in Firestorm’s quantum field.)
You know what this run really needs to wrap itself up? An Annual. An old-style 50-page everything-comes-to-a-head annual. Then we could really get those answers.
The last thing I’m in the mood for is scratching my head like after the “Lost” finale, screaming “where are my damn answers?!”
Both Human Flying Fish and Fisherman were successfully (to me, anyway) revitalized in the Sword of Atlantis series.
HFF became a corporate sponsored bad guy, complete with a uniform resembling a NASCAR fire suit plastered with logos. As a low rent baddie for hire I think he can still work.
The Fisherman became the human host for an Elder god styled creature, and given the adventerous nature of Aquaman I think you could get a lot of mileage out of it. Especially with the mythology of old Atlantis being explored in the series I think it only makes sense to address their old gods, and Fisherman can fit in perfectly with that.
My favorite Call Me Maybe parody: