A couple weeks ago Yildiray Cinar posted his first pitch for the New 52 Firestorm design. Check out this awesome design below!
You can quickly see that his New 52 design was heavily influenced by the Elemental Firestorm. In fact, on Tumblr Cinar said, “Now you know I’m a fan of the elemental version from 90’s.” As a huge fan of the Elemental Firestorm myself, I LOVE this design! I think this is a fantastic modernization of the Elemental look! If the new series ever touches on the Elemental Firestorm concept, I’d love to see this design used!
Long time readers of FIRESTORM FAN may recall Yildiray Cinar was drawing sketches of the Elemental Firestorm long before he ever got the New 52 gig. We’ve previously posted the sketches below, but they are so gorgeous they are worth posting again! The first sketch below was done in 2009, and the second in 2010.
Yildiray Cinar returns next issue as the regular artist on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Be sure to check out Yildiray Cinar on Twitter, Tumblr, and his own website!
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