In honor of the current storyline taking place in France in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, let’s check out some French Firestorm comics! Faucon Noir (translated as Black Hawk) was a French comic collection published bi-monthly in digest format during the late 1970s. Issue #12 was released in 1979 weighing-in at a whopping 130 pages and featured several characters, such as Hawkman, the Justice Society, Firestorm and more. This issue reprinted Firestorm: The Nuclear Man vol I #3 by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom. As you’ll see below, the publisher chose the splash page from that issue for the cover. Strange choice as it makes Firestorm appear pretty threatening.
The scans below come compliments of our good friend Jon at Fizzit, the Firestorm-themed blog.
Let’s jump forward little later in the comic to see Firestorm battling Killer Frost!
My thanks again to Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog for providing me with theses scans to publish! Jon has supplied FIRESTORM FAN with numerous scans over the past few years, including Firestorm comics translated into Spanish, Arabic, and German! Jon is also quite the collector of original Firestorm artwork. You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.
Soutenir Firestorm! Attiser la Flamme!

That lettering is soul crushing. I’ve had a French Manhunter from Mars piece left unfinished in the queue for months…
C’est une poste magnifique!
C’est génial!
DAMN IT! Beaten to the joke by Firestormfan89.
I love that cover! It feels like a Gene Colan number to me (even though I know it’s not).
We had the same kind of thing happen down here with Federal and Atlas reprinting American comics. Sometimes they had original art resurface as the cover, and sometimes they got an artist to redraw a small scene bigger. I can’t recall any Firestorm based ones, but if I ever see any I’ll let you know!
Thanks for the comments!
@Frank – I totally agree, reading lettering like this would drive me mad. I like you used the word “soul”. The lettering is soulless.
@firestormfan89 & @rob – De grands esprits pensent pareillement!
@Dan – I see what you mean about Gene Colan. I’d love to see some New Zealand/Australia reprints with different covers. Do they change words like “Grill” to “Barbie”, or “Dog” to “Dingo”?
I’m just kidding, don’t throw a boomerang at me!