Go read Justice League International #9 in stores today! This issue features writing by Dan Jurgens, pencils by Aaron Lopresti, inks by Matthew Ryan, and colors by Hi-Fi Colour Design. The cover is by David Finch, Richard Friend, and Jeromy Cox. Don’t worry, you haven’t stumbled onto the Booster Gold blog by accident. We’re promoting this issue of Justice League International because it kicks off a crossover with The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #9!
If you can’t pick up your copy right now, swing over to io9 for a five-page preview! The page below comes from that io9 coverage. Check out the issue title!
Here are some of the details on the issue:
Written by: Dan Jurgens
Pencilled by: Aaron Lopresti
Inked by: Matthew Ryan
Lettered by: Travis Lanham
Colored by: Hi-Fi
Cover pencilled by: David Finch
Cover inked by: Richard Friend
Cover Color by: Jeromy N. Cox
On Sale May 2, 2012 | Color | 32 pages | $2.99
- It’s the JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL against O.M.A.C in a fight to the finish!
- Special crossover with this month’s FIRESTORM #9!
I’m looking forward to this! Be sure to leave your comments here! We’ll talk later!
Support Firestorm (and the JLI)! Fan the flame!

Also, any OMAC readers out there (such as myself) should pick this one up for that basis, as according to creators Dan DiDio and Kieth Giffen, Kevin Kho and his mechcanical alter ego will be playing a role going forward in JLI. OMACTIVATE!
I also want to add that Aaron Lopresti’s rendering of OMAC is absolutely amazing! I have been reading his Garbageman strip in the pages of Weird Worlds and My Greatest Adventure and it’s fantastic! He has a great art style which perfectly suits the DCU. (His writing on that series was excellent as well.)
I will be picking this one up from the LCS this week, along with a few other things (X-O Manowar, for one, and probably a few issues of Firestorm!).
I like that Finch cover too.
I’ll actually pickup this issue, though I do wonder why Guy Gardner seems to be outside the new 52 …is Firestorm joining the team?
..we’ll see I guess.
Thanks for the comments! I picked up my copy today. I’m still loving this book and am excited by the new members joining. If the solicits are to be believed, joining the team will be: OMAC, Firehawk, and Batwing.
The only piece I struggled with in this issue was the JLI taking OMAC with them to France. From a storytellers perspective, I totally get why they needed OMAC to travel to France with them. From the perspective of someone living in this New 52 world, I felt the rational was a bit hard to swallow.
Regardless, still a great issue with beautiful art! Loved it! Can’t wait for FIRESTORM #9!
I found this issue disappointing. One panel does not a crossover make! I think I could’ve just skipped it; I’m sure Firestorm #9 will explain the JLI’s presence anyway. (Blue Beetle’s pulling the same trick with GL:NG.)
Weird team – I like it.