TEAM WEEK continues here at FIRESTORM FAN! Since his days of playing high school basketball, Ronnie Raymond has been a team player. Perhaps that is why he’s joined so many superhero teams! This week we’re looking at several of the teams he’s joined since becoming Firestorm!
As an alumni of the Justice League of America and Extreme Justice, what’s a Nuclear guy to do? Well, apparently you join a start-up Justice League Europe. Below is the cover to Starman #38 (Jan. 1998) by Tony Harris and Dusty Abell.
The issue itself was written by James Robinson, with art by Dusty Abell, Dexter Vines, and Norman Lee. In the story Crimson Fox assembled a group of heroes to form a new French version of the Justice League. Their plan was to prove themselves in France and branch out across all of Europe.
Next, some of the team members grumbled about this new team not being very prestigious. During this, Ice Maiden was kind enough to pay Firestorm a compliment.
Up next was a nice moment between two of my absolute favorite characters – Firestorm and Blue Devil!
Suddenly a crisis arose across town which required Firestorm’s abilities.
While Firestorm was gone, The Mist (a Starman foe) murdered the rest of the fledgling Justice League Europe. Yes, she murdered the entire team (with the exception of Firestorm)! Apparently The Mist wanted to be absolutely sure everyone was dead. So when Firestorm returned…
Click the image below to enlarge.
Whoa. Pretty heavy stuff. This incarnation of the JLE was over before it could even get started!
In the spirit of TEAM WEEK, below are links to previous FIRESTORM FAN posts regarding various teams Firestorm has joined:
- How Ronnie Joined the JLA – 1980
- How Ronnie was Fired from the JLA by Aquaman – 1984
- How Ronnie Joined Extreme Justice – 1995 a.k.a. “How Ronnie Beat Cancer and Got His Powers Back – 1995″
- How Ronnie Left Extreme Justice – 1996 a.k.a. “Hi, My Name is Ronnie Raymond and I’m an Alcoholic”
- How Jason Joined the JLA – 2008
See you back here tomorrow for more of TEAM WEEK!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

I always liked Dusty Abell’s art style, even if it is super-posey and totally lazy about backgrounds. I feel it worth noting that James Robinson is on record as only intending to kill Crimson Fox. Everyone else was supposed to survive, but later writers/editors decided the lot had bought the farm. Blue Devil was a mess by that point, and I don’t think he ever got fixed, but I thought losing the powerful and likeable Amazing Man was a shame.