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North Coast Comic Con – focused on Firestorm

The North Coast Comic Con is being held Saturday July 21 thru Sunday July 22 in Akron, Ohio. This convention is a match-head’s dream! Guests include Gerry Conway (co-creator of Firestorm) and John Ostrander (long-running Firestorm writer from the late 1980s)! Also, there will be a limited edition Firestorm print by artist Josh Medors available for those that purchase a two-day pass. On top of all that Firestorm goodness, there will be other fantastic guests (Marc Sumerak is a favorite of mine!).

This is shaping up to be an excellent event! Check out the Firestorm-themed poster below for further details!

North Coast Comic Con 2012

This event is being organized by fellow match-head Roger Priebe. Good luck, Roger! It sounds like an atomically-cool event!

Support Firestorm (and the North Coast Comic Con)! Fan the Flame!

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  1. Charlemagne says:

    Heck, I’d pay the $15 just to get the Firestorm print even if I couldn’t make the con…which I probably couldn’t.

  2. FuryOfFirestorm says:

    I just jizzed in my pants. I am sooooooo going, and bring Firestorm #1 – 5 for Conway to sign and #100 for Ostrander to put his Hancock on.

  3. nsp says:

    Is there a pic anywhere of this Josh Medors Firestorm print??

  4. roger says:

    due to Josh being so sick at that time. he never got to finish it.
    and sadly, Josh did pass away last November.

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